Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 15, 1998
Message given during the afternoon of Prayer,

on the Mount of Apparitions
"- Look at the sun, and you will see My sign. I am in your midst!
Dear children, I am with you. Believe! Pray, during this night, intensely, especially at Mass. Continue to offer it for My Intentions."
Message at the end of the closing Mass of Prayers, prayed in the Chapel of Apparitions
"Dear children, I thank you for being present here with Me, here, in this Mass.
I ask you, dear children, to seek holiness... Holiness is the treasure, the precious pearl, for which you must sacrifice everything, leave everything, in order to possess it. This is the most precious pearl of the whole universe in GOD's eyes. Who has it, has everything!
I ask you to make an effort to reach the Bliss of Heaven. In the rush of one's daily life, you no longer have time to think about Heaven, and so there are many, many of you who think that you will live forever in this world. Terrible illusion!!! This world passes like a night, and soon comes the day. So, little children, I invite you to meditate on how quickly your years pass here on earth, compared to those, to that time. that you will live with GOD in the other LIFE.
I do not want condemnation for any of you, that is why GOD has sent Me into this world, to ask you: - Pray! Convert yourselves! Confess! Fast! Be simple and humble, be good to everyone, be kind to the sick and to those who suffer. GOD will not forget any gesture of kindness from you, and He will reward you for everything, but do not let this be the reason that leads you to do good to others. Let the reason for your charity and goodness be LOVE, let it be GOD.
I ask you without ceasing to pray the Rosary. My Eyes are not closed for an instant, they are open all day, all the time, to watch over you, to protect you, to accompany you.
I intercede without ceasing with GOD for each one of you, but if you do not pray, I cannot do anything to help you. GOD helps, but to the heart that opens. GOD does not force, GOD asks you to open your heart. If you open your heart to Me, I will completely transform you into servants of the LIGHT, and wherever you go, you will destroy the darkness, and the LIGHT will remain.
My children, shine into this dark world with the LIGHT of GOD. Fear nothing, fear no one and nothing. I am with you! And My Immaculate Heart watches over your lives, day and night.
With My Hands, which emanate the Perfume of GOD, the Perfume of Heaven, I heal your wounds, pour balm and consolation on your sorrows, and lead you all to the GOD of Salvation and of Peace.
I have been appearing for so many years in this city to invite you to sincere conversion, to conversion to GOD. Enjoy My messages, dear children! Be as close to Me as possible, through prayer, and let yourselves be led by Me, for I know the path that will lead you to Holiness.
Don't worry about your sufferings or trials. Little birds do not worry about what they will eat, and yet GOD makes them find their food every day. So too, if GOD treats the little birds with so much LOVE, with so much affection and care, He will never forget you, HIS children. Have confidence!
All that my Son, Jesus, has spoken to you will come true! Happy are those who believe and are not discouraged.
Have Mercy! Be charitable to those who no longer have peace, and pray for them. Don't get tired of offering them Masses, fasts and sacrifices! I am attentive to every prayer you make, and I want, dear children, that by your holy life, you become econtas of Luzf of the Great Luminous Rosary, which I myself am weaving all over the world.
I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (pause) Go in the Peace of GOD."