Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, November 7, 1998
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message from Our Lady

My dear children, with LOVE I come again today, to beg you for conversion, the conversion that My Lord desires, the conversion that GOD wants from each of you.
My children, believe firmly in My WORDS:
GOD IS Righteous!!!
GOD IS Omnipotent!
GOD IS Almighty. Lord of Time and Space!!!
Righteous, Holy, Most High, Most Worthy, Most Powerful!!! and HE will execute all the Plans(pause) that I have revealed to you.
I expect your prayers, so that the desires of My Heart (pause) and the Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus, may be realized in the whole world.
In many of you who are here, the plans that I, Myself, and my Son Jesus made for you are being realized, but you still need conversion. What you pray and do is still not enough. More is needed, because of the urgency of this situation, of so many souls who are in danger of condemning themselves, daily.
I implore all of you (pause) to pray without rest! Even in your work, always say: Jesus and Mary, I love you, save souls; or even: Heart of Jesus and Mary, save souls and have Mercy on us! In this way, I will be able to visit and intervene in the lives of many of My poor children, and with the Grace of GOD, lead them back to the FATHER, the FATHER in Heaven, the Most High, who is saddened by the loss of so many of His children.
The Most High created them, not to be condemned, but to be saved! Unfortunately, many of you decide your eternal fate, preferring Satan and the pleasures of this world, rather than GOD.
...My children, this year is already coming to an end. With the end of this time, My messages are now becoming more full of LOVE, but also of sorrow, because I see that My messages are hidden or withheld, so that the world does not know My messages, and cannot convert.
I ask you(pause) to become apostles and missionaries of My Messages. Whenever you can, go out (pause) to other places, spreading My Messages. Make Cenacles and prayer groups, reading and announcing My Messages wherever you go. Many feet, which served Me and carried My messages to many places, have grown tired or stumbled. I need new feet! new messengers! new little children of Mine, to carry My messages with courage, with love, to all My children.
The designs of the Most High (pause) are Just and Holy! and they will come to pass. I would like to reveal and explain to you the SECRETS and all that is about to happen, but that is not GOD's Will. You already have many Messages! many Signs given here! many Graces(pause) and reasons to believe, live and spread My Messages.
Everything, everything that is within the reach of My Heart, I am doing for you. So, little children, convert soon! When you know the content of the SECRETS, and the Messages that the Lord still keeps (pause) under the veil of secrecy, it will be too late. I don't want to see you crying, so change your lives now! Choose Heaven, just as Heaven has already chosen you.
I invite all of you to pray the Rosary, and those of you who can be more generous, to pray more than one Rosary a day, so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the Church. the suffering, persecuted Church, the Catholic Church, the Church of My Son Jesus, which has been darkened, (pause) which has been divided, by those who have no faith, by those who have no prayer, and no love. So that My Heart may also TRIUMPH in this world of hatred and sin, and that the Sun (pause) of Salvation, of Mercy, may shine as soon as possible for all of you.
I bless you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit."
Message from our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My lambs. beloved and anointed sheepfold of My Sacred Heart! I AM. speak to you: - Come to My Heart, with sincerity, and I and My MOTHER will not turn you away.
With Mercy, generation, I have come to you, to heal your wounds. Like a man robbed by thieves, beaten and left half-dead in the middle of the road, I have come to you, O generation. I have been the Good Samaritan, the DIVINE Samaritan, the Good Shepherd, the Good Comforter of all your wounds.
I heal your wounds, I relieve your pain as much as I can, but when I come to show you My Heart (pause) scourged and wounded, for so many sins of the world, wanting reparation, wanting love!
You have been ungrateful to Me, generation! While I pour balm on you, you give ME only the gall of your wickedness, of your unbelief, of your disobedience to all that I have told you.
Generation. My Heart holds My Father's ARROW. When I show you My Wounds, the Father gives up exercising HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, HIS JUSTICE, which is Righteous and Holy. But generation, the hour comes, when all My flock is inside My sheepfold, which is the Immaculate Heart of My Holy Mother, and when I close the door of the sheepfold: - Lord, open the door for me! and I will say: I do not know you! because they did not walk with Me where I walked, and they did not do what I myself did.
If you want to be among the sheep of the fold, who will be kept by ME, love. do good to all. forgive offenses. take my WORD, by life and example, to all those who are under a hard tombstone (i.e. those who are spiritually dead) over those who are already dead and decomposed in their souls.
But be careful! Pray, watch always!If somewhere does not want to welcome what you announce in My Name, leave that place so that My JUSTICE can take care of it, and go to another(pause) that has not yet heard My Voice, to announce My wonders.
As the lightning flashes from one side of the sky to the other, suddenly, so will be(pause) the unfolding of My Holy JUSTICE. so will be the imminent, Glorious TRIUMPH of OUR TWO United Hearts.
Just as the wind blows suddenly, you do not know where it comes from, nor where it goes, so will be the TRIUMPH of OUR TWO Hearts. You will not know if it will come from the right or the left, the north or the south, the east or the west. When you least expect it, My Heart, and that of My MOTHER, WILL WIN.
Blessed are those whom I find under the Hands and Mantle of My MOTHER.
Happy are those who already have their name engraved in Her Immaculate Heart, for they will receive such Glory, and will merit the Grace of being the Court of Honor of My MOTHER, who is the Queen of all Angels and Saints.
Generation. I love you! I love you, generation! Come back, come, follow Me! and I will make you the heaven(pause) of My Sacred Heart, My sealed garden, My fountain. of whose waters, whose delights, I will taste. Come, generation, and I will make thee(pause) pupil of My Eyes, and fiber. of the innermost of My Heart!
Come, generation, and I will make you. and I will make you, part of ME.
Come, generation, and I will make you light of My LIGHT, blessing of My Blessing, and grace of My Grace.
I bless you, in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit.
I love you. come back always, that we may continue the conversion of each one of you.(pause)