Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 17, 1998
Message of Our Lady

My children, pray the Rosary more! I love you, and I leave my peace in every heart.
Cenacle in the Chapel, the same day
"- Pray, My children. Continue with the prayer. GOD has Great Plans, and wants to use your prayers to realize YOUR LOVE Plans.
"Do not abandon my Heart esozinhof, in prayer. Do not leave the Places where I appeared, especially the Mount, without prayer.
My Hands rise up without ceasing over the world, to ask Mercy of the Most Holy Trinity, for those who continue blindly to live in sin. I invite all of you, My children, to unite with Me in a single Call of Prayerf, so that together we may obtain the Greatest TRIUMPH OF the Sacred Heart of Jesus over all evil.
I ask you, dear children, that the Rosary be in your hands every day, as a testimony that you belong to Me, and that you renounce Satan and all sin.
I bless you in the name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit".