Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, October 7, 1998
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message from Our Lady

Dear children.(pause) I thank you for coming today, despite the bad weather, and all the difficulties you encountered on the way.
You have seen the Sign that I have shown you in the sky, during this Cenacle. Signs to believe, you have in abundance, (pause) but your hearts are still so hard, and many of you don't want to take MY WORDS seriously.
Many of you do not have daily conversion, do not seek perfection, nor root out your dominant faults. Many of you conform to the situation and the personal vices(pause) that you have in your soul.
My children, when you read My messages, you should try to live them, and change your lives. If you do not change your lives, and the person of each one of you, you will not be able to reach the Kingdom of GOD.
My children, conversion!!! Sincere conversion is what I ask for. I have been repeating here in this city for almost eight years the same appeal,(pause) but you do not convert.(pause) Convert. Convert.
In secret, you sin and offend GOD(pause) with words, with deeds; with thoughts. Malice has corroded your souls like a fatal cancer. The lie, the falsehood, the corruption, rule your society, your world.
My children, in order to obtain the TRIUMPH of OUR Two United Hearts, I ask that you all, this month of October, urgently make the family consecration to my Heart and to the Heart of Jesus, in front of OUR images enthroned in your homes. I promise, to the family that prays the Rosary, before my Heart and the Heart of Jesus, the Grace of loving, of making reparation, the Grace of union and salvation.
I invite all of you to keep your eyes open, with the lampf of your prayers burning,(pause) and in constant vigil, because the foretold events(pause) are coming.
GOD has the POWER to make all that He foretold happen.(pause) Just as HE had the POWER to suddenly make this Heavenly Light that you saw in the sky today shine, and also to make it disappear in an instant, GOD can make all the SECRETS and events foretold by ME(pause) happen in the world today.
I invite you to read again My Messages, from Lourdes and Fatima, until now. and if the people convert, GOD will forgive them, but. if the world does not convert, frightful and never seen chastisements will fall upon the world.
Therefore, you, My tiny remnant fielf, chosen and beloved sheepfold, that I jealously guard as MOTHER in My Immaculate Heart. you will have Peace and protection within My Immaculate Heart. but, pray!!! Don't talk about prayer, don't comment on prayer. but, pray! When you all pray, you will all receive salvation. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you(pause) to GOD.
I bless you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit."
Message from our Lord Jesus Christ
"- I AM. speaks to you!!! Beloved generation, My Heart(pause) has drawn you close to ME! Come to ME all you who are burdened, persecuted and despised by this world, which has turned away from My Heart.
O Generation, rejoice, rejoice greatly, for the DAY of Prophecy draws near. You will see a Light shine in the sky a hundred times stronger than the one you have seen today(pause) over this place!
My Heart, with Mighty Rays, will strike down My proud enemy, and with it, they will be swept from My Presence and from the Eyes of My MOTHER. from the Presence of the Eyes of My MOTHER. all those who practice evil, and lie. those who are friends of corruption, brothers of prostitution. and those who are teachers of falsehood.
My Heart, with a loud shout, will command My Angels, and they will cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, all those who would not listen to My Voice!
My MOTHER, like a very faithful servant, went out into the world, through all the roads, cities and nations, inviting men to conversion.
They ridiculed Her! They despised Her! They cast Her aside.
They denied Her appearances and Her tears, made by My POWER!
They threw mud in Her Name!
They silenced the voice of OUR Instruments!!!! and they stuck the most Painful Sword in the Heart of My MOTHER!!! the one of ingratitude.(pause)
My Mercy is great, but My Justice is not less!and I will come to demand account and satisfaction, from all those who persecuted and tortured My MOTHER, with their contempt.
I will tell them: "Go cursed, into the fiery fire! You did not know how to listen to the Voice of GOD, who cried out in the desert: "Convert yourselves!
Into the darkness!!!! There(pause) is your place!!! and never again call(pause) on My Name, nor plead for My Presence.
But, to those who have listened to My MOTHER and who have fulfilled OUR Requests, I will say to them: - Come, O chosen ones of Heaven! come to enchant the stars with the brightness of your souls!!! Come to enchant the Sun(pause) with the Glory that is prepared for you, in the Kingdom of My Father!
I AM. confirm all this, and I tell you: Rejoice generation! Your Spouse returns, and returns (pause) very soon.
Peace be with you all, with all of you. I bless you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit.
Keep coming to this eLocation of Gracef! Miracles and Conversions will continue to be done in all of you."