Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, September 19, 1998
At Capelinha
Message of Our Lady

Our Lady of La Salette Day
"- My epequeninosf, I am the Mother who cries for my children.(pause)
I seek today, hearts that truly desire conversion. so pray for your conversions. These hearts ealegramf to GOD, to my Immaculate Heart, and to my Son Jesus.
I ask you to practice the virtues of Faith, LOVE and Holiness and pray every day for this intention! Do not pray only for your conversions, but also for the conversions of My children who are far from My Immaculate Heart.
Trust in My Immaculate Heart!(pause)
Children, attend to My messages, My requests, and truly desire your conversions.
I leave a Blessing in every heart that is here today. I leave my peace and my love.
I LOVE You! I call them.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
At night, in the Chapel
"- Thank you, My children, to all who came. Come always, and pray for the conversion of those who do not believe in GOD.
GOD is being patient with you. and He is sparing you as much as He can, but. understand, My children: because He is GOD of Justice, He will purify the world. GOD cannot admit near YOU anything emanchadof, so all impurity and sin must be extirpated from this world, and this epurificationf will be through pain and suffering.
I invite all of you to raise your trusting eyes to Me, who comes from Heaven, as a Great Anchor of Salvation, so that all who cling to Me will not be lost.
My children, if you will join your prayers with Me, and if together We appear before GOD, HE will surely forgive and convert many people, because there is still some time.
Understand that I need your prayers, and I need you to listen to Me, to know My Pain.
I promise to all those who make the desire in their hearts to relieve my Heart, and to ease my sufferings, I promise to transmit to you the Sorrows of my Immaculate Heart, so that with me they may feel, with me they may suffer, and with me they may make reparation.
My children, pray the Rosary every day! (pause)
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".