Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, August 7, 1998
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children. My heart rejoices in the joy of being here once again, on this beautiful day of my birthday. (The Feast was extended to this day so that a greater number of pilgrims could participate and honor Our Lady.)
Little children, thank you for bringing the roses. Many sick people will be cured in the Blessing that I will give them. I wish that each one of you will be a rose in this world without GOD and without love. May each one of you fill (pause) with your perfume, this world rotten and already decomposed by sin.
My beloved children, the Rosary is also a symbol of these many roses that you have brought. When you pray the Rosary, there are many roses that you give me (pause) perfumed, beautiful, pure, candid. and I give them, I show them to my Son Jesus. Then, touched with LOVE by Our prayers, those of you united to Mine, He pours out the Graces of His Heart on all the earth.
Little children, I wish you to pray many Rosaries, because only through many Rosaries can I save the world. My enemy, the devil, persecutes and makes My true children suffer, those who love Me and sincerely practice true devotion to Me.
Those who fulfill My Messages are hated by the devil, and the devil instigates even the people closest to you to despise and humiliate them, for My sake. But the righteous will triumph!!! My Heart will suddenly invade the whole world, and My Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of LOVE of Jesus, will be established all over the Earth.
I ask you (pause) to believe, as if you were seeing Me. Many today want to see the Signs, but the greatest Sign is Myself, the Woman Clothed with Solf, whom GOD places in Heaven to bring down the power of the dragon. Many signs have been given to you here, signs to believe you have already had in abundance, many of them will still happen, but without warning. The Signs will happen at the right time, to increase your faith.
I invite you to believe in the True GOD! It was HE who sent Me into the world to tell you: - Pray! I have touched this ground with my feet and made it holy so many times, that you may understand that I am with you to sanctify you. If My Apparitions here were only to give Messages, I would come only five or six times, in the first year, and return to Heaven. But if I stayed with you so long, so many years, it is because I want to lead you along the highway of sanctity, to pluck out your defects, to transform your people, to perfect your virtues. That's why I stuck with you, little children.
With LOVE, I have made a bond between your hearts and Mine, and I will not be able to stop giving you the Messages until you reach (pause) the minimum degree of santidadef required of Me by the Holy Trinity.
May you (pause) meditate seriously on these My Messages. You often remain deaf, and do not want to listen to Me, that is why Satan acts so much (pause) in you and your families.
If you live what I ask, soon the whole world will become a Heaven, already begun on Earth itself. Soon Two Glorious Thrones will rise: - that of my Immaculate Heart, and that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
With an eLabaredaf, coming out of OUR Hearts, the dragon will be destroyed, and with it, all his followers, and finally, My children, My blessed edescendenceaf, those who listen to Me and heed My Messages, will have Peace.
I renew My invitation to you to heed My Messages, because these Apparitions (pause) are the last for all humanity.
My Voice is a sweet song of warmth (pause) that emanates to your ears, in order to make you realize, little children, in which direction Heaven is. Heaven (pause) is like a treasure that you have to search for, day and night. A very difficult treasure to find, (pause) the ecaminhof has many thorns, many deviations, many curves, many false entries. But when the treasure is found, that soul becomes the richest, the most beautiful of all.
I am the heavenly Mother, the heavenly conductor, whom the Holy Trinity sends so that they may not be lost in the ecaminhof. One cannot see the path at night, one can fall on precipices at any time, but. the one who carries in his hand an egregious luzf, an egregious torch, this one is not lost, nor can he fall. I am the LIGHT (pause) that the Lord gives them to lighten the ecaminhof, and lead them to Him.
Little children, just as the dawn precedes the sunrise, do not understand that I, being the Dawn of the Great Dawn of the Lord, am already announcing. and after Me will come the Blessed Dawn of GOD?
You have many doubts in your heart if my TRIUNFO will really happen before the year two thousand. I tell you, little children, (pause) look at the Scriptures, everything I told you, all the Messages are there, in the Holy Bible. GOD has thus decreed that My Heart will WIN, and before the century ends, you will begin to see (pause) this world become the very reflection of the Holy Trinity.
I ask each of you to renew your fast. Many have become discouraged in fasting. They began with enthusiasm and joy, but when they saw that it is difficult, they became discouraged. Little children, without fasting, what strength will you have against Satan? How can I defend you if you don't want to practice fasting, sacrifice and mortification? Each one of you leave what you are most attached to.
I am the Immaculate Conception. If you want to give joy to my Heart, leave sin. Then Jesus and I will enter, and we will do it to OURSELF. I want your hearts to be a little house of Nazareth, like mine, far away, where I am the owner and Jesus is the KING, with my spouse St. Joseph.
I bless your flowers. Many sick people will be relieved and even healed with the Blessing I give them: - May the Lord bless these flowers, may the Lord return to them the LIGHT of YOUR LOOK, may My Son pour out upon them YOUR Holy BLOOD, may the Spirit (pause) touch them with YOUR LIGHT, and I bless them with the POWER and AUTHORITY of Jesus, in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit.
Listen to what My Son will say".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- I AM(pause) speaks to you. My people, My Heart (pause) rejoices for My MOTHER, who today you celebrate and honor with this wonderful Feast.
Do not worry if the devil wanted to disturb your prayer. My Heart (pause) will always be the winner of this thief, evildoer and murderer, who comes to steal the souls of ME.
I welcomed the homage paid to my MOTHER, with the presentation of Her Life. (Note - Marcos: Our Lord refers to a theatrical staging of the Life of Our Lady, presented to the pilgrims) I thank all those who made it, despite so many sacrifices.
I thank each one who came, who let himself be seduced and attracted by my Heart. No one comes eaquif if My Heart does not attract him. Nobody comes eaquif on this mountain, if My Heart does not seduce him.(pause) I chanted your names like a sweet melodyf, several times, so that your hearts would listen to My echamarf, and come here.
As wax melts in the fire, My Heart melts in Flames of LOVE and Mercy for you, My people, generation.
Haven't you understood yet My people, that My MOTHER and I are eaflitosf, without finding more ways to show OUR LOVE? We are so eap in love, that we are failing without finding ways (pause) to express and edify OUR LOVE, (pause) because many are proud, and analyze OUR Messages with their human logic, thus denigrating My Spirit. OUR desire (pause) is that you welcome with your heart what we tell you.
These Messages and Apparitions are the last for humanity. When they cease, all will be precipitated. and woe to those (pause) whom we know are not. who are not converted.
To what can I compare them? (pause) Bones boiling in the fire?.
Generation. it is serious what awaits you if you are not converted! My Heart eimploraf. my Heart egritaf, from the heights, may you return to ME!
Listen generation! If you give, if you pay attention to OUR Hearts. you will live, and you will find a LIFE that will never be taken from you, not even claimed, because I will give LIFE for all those, and all those (pause) who give their lives for ME.
I will give My Heart (pause) to all those who give their heart to Me.
I will give (pause) Myself, to those who give themselves to ME.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
May My Priests present, My Beloved, replicas of My Heart, now receive My Solemn Blessing, and with it be blessed (pause) those, who are entrusted to them.
Remain in Peace".