Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, August 5, 1998
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
Message of Our Lady

Appearance at the Chapel, 6:30 p.m.
"- I come today all dressed in eourof. Today is My Party Day!
The Angels sing, and the Saints from Heaven rejoice! I am all amazed at the Blessed Trinity, and in this way my heart rejoices today to be with you.
Dear children, pray. pray. My Heart will pray with your hearts.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Cenacle on the Mount
"- I want to bless you all today with My Special Blessing, which I only grant on the Days of My Feast and on special occasions, granted to Me by the Holy Trinity.
I thank you all for being here on my birthday. Thank you, dear children! This is a Great Day.
GOD has granted Me thanks to all those who are Mine, and who are consecrated to Me. Today GOD has given Me, as a Birthday gift, whatever I want. I then asked the Father to grant Me more Graces to pour out to My children, and especially a Special Blessing.
The Blessing I received from the Father, I share it with you today! This Blessing that you will receive will remain in your bodies for life. With it you can bless others. With it, you too will be able to impart this My Blessing to atheists and those who do not believe. With her you will be able to bless the sick, and many of them will be healed, but. all with humility and simplicity, silence and much hiding. virtues that are so dear to me.
The Father has adorned Me today with a Glory and Holiness never seen in Paradise. My Birthday is for you a Sign of Hope. Your Mother Child, who is born on Earth, is for you a Sign of sure Victory and of firm Hope.
I was born to bring you the Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ. the only Way that leads to the Father.
I was born to fulfill all the Prophecies of the Old Testament.
I was born to prove to the whole world that the Mercy of GOD is greater than evil and sin.
I was born to show that the darkness will be subdued and destroyed by the Light, which is. My Son Jesus!!
I was born to inaugurate a new, new Land of Hope, which will soon be given to you. in the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart!
I was born to bring the Message of Hope to the whole world. which is My Son Jesus.
I was born to radiate throughout the world the radiance of the Blessed Trinity. who uses Me as a Most Pure Mirror, to reflect YOUR LIGHT, in the midst of so much darkness.
For this reason, my children, I, Mary, your Immaculate Mother, leave in your hearts my call, and at the same time, thank you so much for coming to my birthday.
Glory be to GOD with me, for He has granted me to stay so long with you. GOD, full of LOVE and Mercy, could in other ways call you to HIM. GOD wanted Me, because I am the Only Way that leads safely to HE. In other ways you run the risk of getting lost in the middle of the road, but whoever comes through Me, will surely reach the desired Home of the Father.
I bless each one of you, and I expect you here tomorrow. and the day after tomorrow. and so, My children, listen to My Messages. because I give them to you with My Heart full of LOVE.
I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".