Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 2, 1998
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, I thank you all who have come here today to offer Me this prayer of the Rosary, which I entrust with all the Joy of My Heart to GOD.
I want to tell you, dear children, I Love you!!! I love you very much!!! and as much as it depends on Me, until the last moment that I can, I will be at your side to help you, to strengthen you. to encourage you and not to let you fall, but to continue always forward. always towards GOD!
I am with you, and although your many sufferings may want to separate you from Me, I am with you. Trust in my Immaculate Heart! If you believe that my Heart is and will always be your home, hope, from which joy springs, will never leave your heart.
Live all day long thinking and feeling this way: "Mary is my Mother, and her Heart is my homef by right of Mercy!
I, dear children, am with you and I protect you from all evil with My Mantle. Many of you sometimes fall into the temptation to doubt My appearances here, because you have not yet really understood the reason for My coming to this place.
I came here to ask for more than just one Rosary a day, more than just fasting, more than just devotional practices. I have come to ask you for conversion and holiness of life!
Until you understand that I have come here to sanctify you, you will never produce the Fruits of My Messages.
I did not come here just to speak, but I came here to educate, to form, to make those who are Mine grow in holiness.
If it were only to transmit the Messages, I would only make one, two or ten Appearances in the first year, and leave again, although. for Heaven. But, if I remain here for so many years, My children, it is because I want to lead you on the path to sanctity. Haven't you understood this yet?
Put in your hearts and in your minds that I came here to make you saints! This is the reason why I have held on to you all these years.
I repeat and repeat and repeat again and again the same requests and messages, because you don't move forward on the path of holiness. You don't want to grow, you don't want to climb in holiness.(pause) You want little. you want nothing. and that is why My Heart feels tortured with anguish...
All that has been taught, and is still being taught today, must be listened to and heard, must be understood and taken as ORDER, ORDER from Heaven!!! May you, My children, listen with love to My call.
Besides giving the Messages to the world, I come here to make saints of those who are Mine in this world.
My Mission will not be complete until you reach at least the minimum degree that I promised My Son Jesus.
I bless you with LOVE, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Be in the Peace of the Lord."