Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 26, 1998
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, I thank you for the vigil held last night.
As I had said, many AIDS patients were, this dawn, touched with the Grace of contrition, and asked forgiveness from GOD for all the evil they have done in their lives. Many of them died, and the Lord was able to grant them forgiveness and Mercy.
Through prayer, you have obtained Mercy for them instead of Justice. Some of them will have to purify themselves in purgatory, but they have received the Grace of salvation.
I ask you, little children, to continue to pray unceasingly. This week, I would like you to pray the Thousand Hail Marys among yourselves and that, above all, you try, during the day, to pray more.
With your prayer, everything is possible! Love only wants to be reciprocated! May you correspond to the LOVE of GOD and to my LOVE, and may this LOVE, My children, be the reason and the motive of your lives.
I want to build a Cenacle of LOVE in the heart of each one of you, so that there the Holy Spirit may place HIS flames of LOVE.
The world was created and born of LOVE, and to LOVE, through Me, it will return.
I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Be in Peace."
(7/26/98) * Sunday (Mt. - at 6:30 pm)
"- Beloved little children, I give you My Peace!
My desire, children, is that you have joy in your hearts, and that you witness the LOVE of My Son to all people, because LOVE is poured out upon you.
Open your hearts in the prayer of the Holy Rosary, and in these Thousand Hail Marys that I have asked you, ask My children, with confidence in My Heart, for joy and peace of heart. In this way you will be My witnesses, the witnesses of My Son, the witnesses of OUR LOVE, of the LOVE of OUR most holy, most lovable Hearts!
Communion to My Son with joy, HE is the Bread come down from Heaven, HE gave HIS Blood for each one of you, to redeem you!
Rejoice, children, rejoice! This is the great reason for your joy!
Communion, fast with joy, take My messages with joy! Everyone will feel My Presence, and don't worry, the Holy Spirit will convince everyone, the Holy Spirit and everything can.
Have the Holy Spirit before you, seek Him with all your strength, ask for all His Grace, children, for you!
I love you very much children, and I leave this My Message of LOVE to you."