Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, July 13, 1998
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, I want to tell you today: - Decide for GOD!!!
You cannot serve and love GOD and the world at the same time!!! Only one choice in your lives must you make!
I ask you to choose GOD, and then GOD will choose you.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
* Note - Marcos: (In an excerpt from another Message from Her, given on 07/11/98, Our Lady states:
"- . Choose Heaven, just as. Heaven has already chosen you."
And here She says:
"- . choose GOD, and GOD will then echoose you."
It might seem like a contradiction, but it is not. In the case of this Message of 07/13/98, it seems to me that Our Lady is referring to the Judgment that GOD will one day make of us, when she says that GOD will choose us. It is that case of the Gospel :
"...For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt 20:16; 22:14)
Already in the Message of 07/11/98, Our Lady, when saying that Heaven has already chosen us, warns us that we have all been CALLED by Heaven, and in this one of 07/13/98, She, when saying that we will only be the CHOSEN if we also choose GOD, indicates to us the way to correctly interpret the cited passage of the Holy Gospel, and echoes it.
I thought it was useful to point this out, so that nobody would say that there could be contradictions in Our Lady's Messages. On the contrary, they complement each other wonderfully, and reflect the very clear LIGHT of the Holy Gospels. However, St. Peter already said (II Pet 3,16), that ignorant or not very strong spirits, not understanding the Scriptures, misrepresent their meaning, to their own ruin and condemnation).