Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, July 7, 1998
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children. thank you for being here once again, this evening, by My side. I thank each one of you, and I ask (pause) for more prayer, more confidence in my Immaculate Heart.
I want to ask you today, dear children, to read more of the WORD. Many of you have let your Bibles gather dust, and many of you have even glued or torn your pages, due to your carelessness, due to your carelessness towards the WORD of GOD. May you listen to the WORD, both proclaimed by the Church*, and also (pause) contained in the Holy Scriptures.
If you read the WORD, My children, you will never walk aimlessly or directionlessly in your lives. With the WORD, the tempter will be forced to withdraw, because he will find in you an unwavering Faith, firm, and above all, guided, inspired. by the very Will of GOD.
In the pages of the Bible you will find Me, My children. The same Mother who speaks to you here, on this Cross, is the same Mother you will find in the WORD, at the foot of the Cross.
I invite each of you, My children, to pray the Rosary with more love. Know that the Rosary will be the great outcome, and the great revelation, of this 20th century. It will be the Rosary (pause) that will save this world without Peace, without GOD and without LOVE. The Rosary will be forever, for future generations. remembered as the instrument by which GOD (pause) will save the world! (pause)
To operate Redemption, GOD used (pause) the instrument of the Cross! To accomplish the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart, GOD will use the instrument of the Rosary.
With this earmaf(pause) you will win. My Immaculate Heart will then have His Throne over the whole world, and I will make of you My chosen and elected Race. who will participate in all the Gifts that the Most Holy Trinity has given Me.
Right here, in this Place, I will leave My Great Confirmation. All hearts will know that GOD, and that I in GOD(pause) exist. But do not wait for My children, the last Signs announced, because when they arrive, it will be late. Convert now! Convert now.
My Heart (pause) is a door always open, for everyone who wishes to enter. Here My children, in My Heart, there is no night, it is always day. always you have the LIGHT.
Thank you My children, I will pray for you all today. I will pray for you to Jesus.
I bless you with LOVE. in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
* (Note - Marcos): (I understood that Our Lady refers here to the Doctrine, which the Holy Church, as a Sacred Institution founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ on the erochaf, which is ePedrof, must keep intact. Therefore, Christians all over the world must listen and obey what Pope John Paul II proclaims, as the Supreme Pontiff of the Church)
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- LOVE loves you. My Heart (pause) is, as if waves in the sea, back and forth, seeking souls. seeking love. seeking shelter in the hearts.
My Children. My Sacred Heart is(pause) the Great Sun of Justice, that will illuminate you. I promise (pause) to all those who venerate my Sacred Heart, on all the first Fridays of the month, the graces necessary for sincere repentance. and also for eternal salvation.
I ask you, Generation! listen to my WORDS.
Why did you put My Holy WORD and My Laws into a cold and icy marble tomb in oblivion and total desolation?
Your Generation has become so corrupt, that it seeks every means to erase My WORD, and when this does not succeed, you misrepresent it, changing My Laws as if I were like men. corrupt, volatile, and inconstant.
My WORD will always remain! always! Always Holy, without defect, nor wrinkle, nor stain!
The sinner, who looks at My WORD, will see his blackness reflected in Her. If he asks for forgiveness, he will become purer than the crystalline waters of the mountains. But he who looks at My WORD and sees in it his own inner death and does not repent, will dwell in a darker house (pause) than his own spiritual death. and there he will weep for all eternity, without listening to My Voice, and without anyone going to help him.
Hell exists! You deny that hell exists, and this is the great snare of My enemy! Do you not see that by denying that hell exists, you commit all that is abomination and sin, and in this way (pause) you drag yourselves and other creatures into the abyss?
My people, return to My Heart! My Heart fills with Mercy, to give it to each one of you, but you pray little. If it were not for My MOTHER, worse things would have happened to you long ago.
I will have Mercy from My elect. but first, they must be tested (paused) in the efornalf of trial and suffering.
Whoever does not suffer, know that he is not Mine.
Whoever does not cry, shall not be consoled by ME.
Whoever is not persecuted, will not receive the VITORY of MY. and whoever does not fight, (pause) will not receive the eGovernment of MY Kingdom. in MY BACK.
Behold My call then this night, beloved: - repent of the evils which you do in secret, and also of those which you do in the open, before My Eyes.
Above all I ask you, more love for my MOTHER, more love for her images that are so despised, not only in your churches, but also in your homes. and more love for me too, in the Eucharist.
In this way, My Heart will imprint My own Feelings on your souls. and the effects of these Feelings will lead you to know Me (pause) as I AM.
I bless you with the Grace of my Father, with the Grace that comes from Heaven. and this Blessing will also be extended to your relatives as you return to your homes. in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
Our Lady
"Little children, I, your Mother, ask you: - listen to all that Jesus has asked of you, and spread it out loudly. very quickly, to all of Brazil.
Stay in Peace. The Lord calls me!"