Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 6, 1998
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, I invite you to pray more for tomorrow's Cenacle. Many people will come and be drawn to My Heart. I need your prayers to touch so many hearts who will come, and who do not know Me.
Pray that they will know Me tomorrow, and that they will find Me ALIVE on this Mount. May they accept My LOVE in their hearts, so that they may all be converted and saved.
I invite each one of you also to make tomorrow a day of more prayer. In the morning, pray more, and do your best to be united with Me at all times.
I wish to present each one of you tomorrow to the Holy Trinity. May the Eyes of GOD only find Grace and holiness in each one of you. Therefore, I bless you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit."
The same day at 10: 30 pm
(Marcos) (In this Apparition, the Blessed Virgin taught the Rosary of Triumph. Here have been reported only the essential parts of the dialogue that took place during the Apparition, necessary for a perfect understanding of the Rosary that the Blessed Virgin came to teach. What took place before these moments, however, is omitted here, to be published at another time, if Our Lady wills and permits it)
(Our Lady)
"-You should pray this Rosary like this:"
"O Mary's Flame of LOVE,
burn the whole Church that desires You!"
On the large beads
"O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, by the breath of Thy Mouth,
destroy the infernal forces, and raise up Thy KINGDOM of LOVE and Peace."
On the small beads
"O Mary, by the strength of Your Rosary,
destroy satan and cause Thy Immaculate Heart to TRIUMPH."
(Our Lady)
"This is the last Rosary that I teach you, to complete the seven roses that I bring at My Feet, the Seven Rosaries prophesied in these Apparitions.
They should call it the "Rosary of Triumph" (pause).
With this Rosary, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Invincible Lion, with the strong breath of His Mouth, and My Immaculate Heart, by the power of My Rosary, we will destroy Satan, and finally, we will bring to the world OUR KINGDOM of LOVE, of Unity, of Joy, and of Peace.
My children, there is little now! It is the last hour. Arm yourselves with these weapons I have given you for prayer, and in this way, we will crush the cunning and proud adversary, who seeks in every way, to demonstrate that I have been defeated.
Now is the time to raise all the POWER that GOD has given Me! Therefore, My children, pray this Rosary, so that at last My Immaculate Heart may triumph, and I, the Victorious Queen of the World, may, as soon as possible, sit on the Throne that belongs to Me, and then rule all the earth, elevating it to GOD.
My children, pray the Rosary of Triumph every day (pause).
I finally wish to say, that this Grace that you have had, so many Rosaries heavenly revealed, no one else has received it in this world.
So, much more than happy, feel Blessed, and thank the Lord with Me, who left Me time to stay with you and teach you to pray with LOVE, to fight with LOVE, to win with LOVE.
When I am no longer with you, these rosaries will give you strength so that you will not be discouraged. Hold on to them so that on the DAY of My THRONE, I will see all of you in the RESURRECTION and in LIFE, in ETERNAL JOY, that GOD will soon give you.
I bless you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit.(pause) I return to Heaven. The Holy Trinity calls Me. I leave My Peace."