Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, June 4, 1998
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, I desire that you come back here today, at the same time as always, at ten o'clock in the evening, to offer prayer and cold in the intention of the Holy Father, the Pope. Let the only intention of this Rosary tonight be the Pope. He needs your prayers very much tonight.
I need you. Come here and offer the prayer and the cold at the same time, for the intention of the Pope. I bless all those who listen to Me, and those who have come here."
At 10: 30 pm
"- My dear children, I thank you for your prayers. Pray for the Church. Pray that GOD may remove all the obstacles that Satan wants to put in the way of the Catholic Church.
Pray. Pray. Pray for My Plans."
(Marcos) (Here ends the audible part of the Message that Our Lady gave, through me, to everyone. Then She added a few more things in particular, which I should convey to everyone. However, she did not explain why)
"- Tomorrow, My son, I will not wait for you here at the Great Cross, but, I will wait for you at the Cross of St. Gabriel.
Tell My children to begin by praying the Rosary at this Cross, and then, at the usual time, to go to the other Cross, where I will meet you tomorrow.
Tell them that I thank you for coming here on the Mount, and for offering the cold and prayer as sacrifices to GOD."