Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, May 1, 1998
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, I ask you to pray more for Peace. Satan wants to destroy Peace, so I ask you to pray for Peace in the world.
The Peace of the world needs your prayers! Join your prayers with My Prayer for Peace.
Tell My children to come back here tonight at 9:30 p.m. to pray the Rosary. I will appear here once again to be with you.
During this month of May, my consecrated self, I will spend more time with you".
The same day at 10:30 p.m.
"- Continue praying for Peace. Pray for Russia, that she may be converted and stop offending GOD.
"Pray for all the nations that are in atheism. (pause)
Pray the Rosary every day. Live very quietly, and try to open yourselves to the presence of GOD. I desire to make you holy Pray".