Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, April 15, 1998
Message of Our Lady

My children, I love you, and I ask you to put all your trust in Me. When you have a problem, a difficulty or an illness, you easily forget My LOVE, and think that I and My Son Jesus are far away from you. It's not true! Open your hearts and you will see how we are together and beside each one of you.
My children, in your difficulties, call to Me! Do not try to solve your problems alone. Call Me, and you will see how much easier they will be to solve.
I still need your prayers to save sinners. The world is so full of corruption, sin, death and violence, and My Heart anxiously awaits the day when all will be freed from evil, with the VICTORY of My Immaculate Heart.
For this, My children, pray! pray a lot! pray for My Plans! (pause) I am with you, and may the Rosary always be in your hands, as a sign to Satan that you are Mine, and that you belong to Me.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.