Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 10, 1998
Good Friday
Message of Our Lady

My children, contemplate today My Motherly Pain. I am the Lady of Sorrows.
With Great Pain, follow my Son Jesus on his way toward Calvary. His Face, full of Blood; the thorns, which increasingly entered the Head; His fever and pain fremites; the whippings of the soldiers to make Him walk faster, without being able to do so; His falls on the Path to Calvary.
Oh! What Pain My Mother's Heart felt, unable to do anything! I remained at YOUR side, to help Him to suffer and to die, and I gave myself with HIM to the FATHER, for the salvation of all.
O my children! Convert yourselves and return to GOD through the road of love, peace, prayer and penance. If you return to the Lord, He will surely forgive you, and give Peace to the world. So pray! pray! (pause)
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".