Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, March 7, 1998
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, I thank you for coming once again, to meet my Immaculate Heart, on top of this poor and uninhabited hill, but where I accomplish the greatest wonders of my Immaculate Heart.
My Heart trembles with joy, because My Messages and the Messages of My Son Jesus, suffocated for a whole century, have finally been made known through My book, to all who are present here. Yes, to many cities of Brazil, My Messages will be taken, and now, nothing can stop Me.
I, dear children, ask everyone who has not succeeded to do so, to do so, and to spread it with the same ardor with which they spread the Book of My Messages of Jacarei. May these two books be to you, dear children, like the arrow that indicates the right path that will lead you to GOD.
Here are My little ones, My children, to whom the FATHER gave the grace of being able to see Me, hear Me, touch Me, (pause) and kiss Me. Yes, these My angels were already prophesied in the Book of the Prophet Joel, when he said: - that the youth would have visions. Yes, here, with these three little ones, the prophecy of my Immaculate Heart is fulfilled.
Dear children, look at the simplicity of these three children! Kindness, and simplicity, is what I want from you, like those of these children. Whoever does not become like a child will not enter my Immaculate Heart, and whoever does not enter my Heart will not enter the Kingdom of GOD.
I am close (pause) to each one of you. I look at your numerous sufferings, I heal your countless wounds (pauses) and wounds, which you receive in the blows of each day. Flooding your footsteps of Light! Flood your days of Grace, so that you may be sure that my Immaculate Heart will come and soon, and with my Heart will come the Heart of my Son Jesus, LIVE and TRUE, to KING soon, in your midst.
I will say no more, dear children, that there are days left, but. hours, to my Triumph, and the Triumph of Jesus. Your days are numbered! His return is now more imminent than ever.
It is My Mother's Mission to lead them into the Ark of My Immaculate Heart. Inside this Ark they will have warmth, shelter, security, food and consolation when everything around them is submerged (pause) by the Righteous Wrath of My Son.
Oh yes, come! Come to Me, and you will have Mercy, dear children. For whoever does not want to come by Me, will have to drink all the CALICE, that the FATHER is preparing in YOUR JUST IRA (pause), but whoever comes to Me (pause) will have Peace, will have the certainty of salvation, and of GOD's forgiveness.
I, your Mother, Immaculate Conception and Queen of Peace, bless you from this place, now and forever".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation. Listen! Listen!!! Listen to the lament (pause) of my Sacred Heart. My people, what have I made you? I have granted you the greatest of Mercies! I have granted you the Grace of graces, the Good of goods, the Doing of deeds, the Gift of gifts, and you have not loved Us.
O generation! (pause) What else can I send to the world and to My Church, that it may be opened to what you call the heart???(pause)
Sheep of My House. How can you mingle with the goats, and bring the plague of their abomination into My Holy House??(pause)
How can you nestle with the snakes, taste their poison, swallow their poisoned eggs, and then come, eat at My Table??(pause)
My Sacred Heart desires from you not only reparation, but also the total and firm decision for ME. Turn around! Turn around!!!! Turn yourselves.
My MOTHER'S HEART, and My HEART(pause) have been making beggars of you, begging for your love, asking for a plate of love, asking for a piece of the bread(pause) of your affection, but even this you have denied us.
OUR Sacred Hearts faint in the night, crying and groaning, looking for a heart (pause) where we can make OUR refuge, OUR cenacle, OUR Nazareth, but. what have we seen? Snakes and more snakes, nestled inside your homes. Turn around! Turn around.
I welcome with LOVE the prayer of renunciation, and at the same time, the act of Consecration of each one of you this night. This moment has been awaited by ME and My MOTHER for a long time! Now, your names will be more than sealed, more than recorded, your names will be sacred, in OUR Sacred Hearts. Today there will be a feast in Heaven because many have shed tears of repentance, and now they will consecrate themselves to ME and to My MOTHER.
Yes, Fatima is here! Here(pause) CONTINUE (pause) and WILL TERMINATE, the Work begun according to the Secrets of Fatima! Here, My Sacred Heart will erect TWO GLORIOUS THRONES. one to Me, and the other to the Immaculate Heart of the One who has loved Me most in this world, and adores Me (pause) in ecstasy most intensely in Heaven. I, the Sacred Heart, attest and affirm to you.
Lift up your heads, for behold, I place My feet on the cloud of Light that ME will bring! I am at the doors. And when I come back, I want to find you by my side.
Beloved, dear ones of My FATHER. My sheep, listen to My Voice, (pause) and rejoice! Your Shepherd returns, and the fold will revive.
I and my MOTHER bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Go in Peace. Consecrate yourselves to Us, and We will be forever in you. Peace! Peace! Peace!"
New Period of Private Messages for the Order of the Slaves of Mary of Peace