Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, January 20, 1998
Message of Our Lady

Beloved children: - I am the Mother of LOVE, I am the Mother of Peace. I ask you children, pray with your heart! Ask GOD for the transformation of their hearts!
While praying in the Spirit, My Son and I looked at each one of you. Continue praying! I ask you to pray for the youth, for the families, and for the sick tonight!
Consecrate your eyes, your hearts, and your whole being to Me and Jesus. to OUR Hearts!
Children! Children! I love you very much! Feel My Presence in your midst!(pause)
Thank you for your prayers. Your prayers were received and taken to GOD the FATHER, for the salvation of many souls! Know that I and my Son Jesus were already present since you gathered here today.
My desire is that you persevere in the prayer of the Holy Rosary, taught by Me from Lourdes and Fatima! The prayers of the Rosary are blessed by Jesus, and must be spread all over the world, so that the Kingdom of Peace may come.
Children, you have been on Jesus' path for a long time! Do not be discouraged, and always persist in prayer, no matter what problem or difficulty you have in your lives. There are no problems that are not overcome by praying the Rosary!
You are like little flowers in My Heart! I leave you Graces and Blessings, rays of light over your heads.
I ask you children, that every brother you meet on the street or wherever you go, you give them a smile! That way they will feel My Presence in you.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.