Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, January 7, 1998
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

My children, I thank you for coming once again close to My Heart.(pause) I am the Messenger and Queen of Peace. With LOVE, I want to say to you: pray.
During this year of 1998 many things will happen in the world, and if you do not pray with your heart you will not find the strength to endure heavy sufferings for the conversion of sinners. This year My Struggle will be more decisive against the dragon, because now his time is counted in a few grains.
My Immaculate Heart will triumph soon, and that is why, little children, I count on your prayers.
Pray the Rosary every day, and offer it so that time may move as quickly as possible towards my Triumph. Yes, everything I have said from Fatima until now will come true. and the world will find a new time of Peace.
Dedicate some of your time to prayer. This year, GOD will pour out the Holy Spirit as never before into the hearts of His elect.
Stay in Peace".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My people!!! I AM the Lamb of GOD, the Son of the FATHER (pause) that speaks to you now, and fills your heart with LOVE.
Generation! My adversary raises his tail, and shows his fangs furiously to ME, but my Sacred Heart, with only one of YOUR flames, will annihilate him.
I have waited until now, the hardest sinners will return to My Heart, and when the number of those I want is recorded and complete in My Heart(pause) I will destroy My adversary.
I will force the dragon to vomit from his deadly womb, those My children that he has devoured. Yes, because even that which seemed dead, will live again! Those who are farthest from Me, I will call to life.
Therefore, My people, this year invoke My Holy Spirit in all your prayer, because only those who have the Fortifier and the Consoler will stand firm.
My MOTHER was like a strong ivory tower, unbreakable, invincible, because My Spirit was in her, and she loved and adored Him, and was docile to all of YOUR inspirations. Be like My MOTHER also: - docile to the Spirit, and you will be strong like a tower, and My enemy will not be able to shake you.
Consecrate to Me this year your families, and even the Church. My enemy is furious, and wants to invest everything against her. I will be near, and I will always set you free.
LOVE loves you, and LOVE comes back to you as LOVE.
Next month you will be seven years old that I sent My MOTHER here. Come all of you to Our Hearts so that we can continue your conversion.
LOVE! Pray!!! Love!!!! Fasting!!! and in Peace, (pause) stay."