Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, December 31, 1997
Message of Our Lady

(.) Therefore, My Heart is concerned and afflicted with you. I do not feel joy at your sufferings.
During this year, 1998, you will see the realization of all my messages. Be attentive, because everything I have told you will come true.
Many tears I will have to shed. What makes Me suffer most are My children who do not believe in GOD, the atheists, and those who only want money. Their end will be worse.
A sign is already being given to you. The excessive heat of the sun is already the beginning of the punishment for the crimes of the world. The sun has been given the power to burn men because they have given themselves up to sin and prostitution. As long as you do not fall to your knees, it will remain so.
Pray, pray a lot. The year that is born was consecrated by my Pope to the Holy Spirit. Pray, cry, give yourselves to the Spirit, because He is the Comforter, and He will be with you when I leave. He will comfort you, and wipe your tears.
Only those who call upon Him and stay with Him will be saved! So pray."