Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 7, 1997
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

"- My children, I thank you (pause) for being here today with my Immaculate Heart.
My dear children, I am the Immaculate Conception! I was conceived without sin, from the first instant of life, (pause) all pure. all beautiful. all full of Grace.
In Me, the Most Holy Trinity reflects YOUR LIGHT, which has become stronger and more intense throughout my life, reflecting in Me Kindness, LOVE, Beauty and Holiness (pause) coming from GOD.
Dear children, My invitation today is for you to become pure, and more and more like Me. I ask you for a life fuller of purity, and fuller of prayer. You must renounce everything that brings the shadow of sin, so that in you, GOD may reflect His immense and intense light.
Look, My children, how fads, music, movies, soap operas have encouraged sin (pause) and impurity. I ask you, renounce these things (pause) for love of Me, so that you may lead a pure life, and a holy life.
I wish, dear children, that your hearts be a Garden, where I, Your Heavenly and Motherly Gardener, may cultivate the most beautiful flowers of love, prayer, (pause) and purity.
Purify, My children, your hearts! Purify your lives! Do not let sin spread any further (pause) than you have done so far. Renounce sin, dear children, so that you understand (pause) the LOVE that GOD is offering you.
These are (pause) the last Messages for humanity. After them, I will not return to this world anymore. The chance you have now, will never be given again. Do not play with the serious things, with the things of GOD. Live, My children, with seriousness (pause) all the Messages that I am giving you.
I Love You! I call you! even if you are far from my Heart! I feel pain for My children who are condemning themselves, but I rejoice for every child who tells Me: - Mama I am back!
My children, pray".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- I AM Jesus the Lamb! I AM (pause) the LOVE. I speak to you generation, once again, about abortion.
My Heart, and the Heart of my MOTHER, is torn by seeing so many innocent hearts, of children who were not even born, being torn (pause) in the womb of their mothers. (pause)
When you cut a fetus, a human being, in its mother's womb, you cross again, My side, (pause) as on the Cross.
Generation! The blood of these murdered lives is crying out for Me, day and night: - come Lord Jesus! Come Lord Jesus!
I will come. (pause) Very soon, I will come.
Just as the wind blows suddenly, and you don't know when it will blow, so suddenly you will see My Kingdom coming to this earth in order to free you from the slavery of sin, where you remain.
I call upon your generation to take (pause) a strong measure against so many murders. morticides, where children are mercilessly torn from their mothers' wombs.
Sin those who do this! Sin those who do this! Sin those who help! Sin those who applaud and agree! And sin those who watch.
It is necessary, a radical return to My Heart! My MOTHER gave birth to ME, in the immense poverty of Bethlehem! So you reflect on Christmas. But my MOTHER loved ME, my MOTHER did not want to kill ME! Whatever the cost, she wanted Me! She wanted to hold me! She wanted to see me in her arms.
How different from My MOTHER. Wanting to kill life (pause) inside your womb is the same (pause) as wanting to kill ME, inside of you.
I ask you: - convert (pause) and believe in the Gospel! He alone is your salvation. May abortion disappear from the bosom of humanity! (pause)
My beloved children, you know (pause) that your century has been through two terrible fratricidal wars (pause), but. the number of those who have died in the wars has not been greater than that of those who have died so far from abortion.
Repent! My MOTHER is crying Tears of Blood in so many places (pause) to warn: - repent! If you return to ME and prevent this evil with prayer and fasting, and with your testimony for life, I will forgive you and give you the Peace you so dream of.
Peace! Peace! Peace! be like that in humanity. (pause)
My enemy rebels against Me, but I will crush him always, always. and my blessing descends upon you. in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit. (pause) Be at peace".