Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, October 7, 1997
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

"- My dear children,(pause) I am happy to see you all here, gathered around the Mother.
Today, on the day you celebrate Me as the Mother of the Rosary, I come, dear children, once again to tell you: - "Peace". (pause) Peace in your hearts, Peace in your desires, Peace in your families, Peace in the Church, Peace (pause) throughout the world! May every corner of the world receive Peace.
My children, let nothing disturb your Peace. May the Rosary be for you, (pause) the weapon of Peace. When you find yourselves in tribulation, agitated, worried, anguished, return to the Rosary, pray the Rosary, and everything, My children, will be clear and serene.
When you pray the Rosary, it is as if you put in My Hands a great force, much greater than a nuclear chain reaction (pause) for the GOOD.
Each Rosary (pause) that you offer Me, My children, is like a key that the Mother in Heaven uses to open the cell of so many of My children that Satan has imprisoned.
That is why I invite you to pray the Rosary with joy! Pray it incessantly, My children, because many came to Heaven because they knew nothing else but to pray My Rosary with love.
The Rosary will teach them to love.
The Rosary will teach them to suffer.
The Rosary will teach them to bear.
The Rosary will teach them to wait in GOD.
The Rosary will teach them to overcome.
My dear children, I ask you again: - that you put the Rosary in your hands, and pray, that the world may be converted and have Peace.
The Church (pause) needs the Peace that emanates from the Rosary! Pray the Rosary for it, (pause) pray for the unity of the Church in the Rosary. Just as the accounts of the Rosary are united, and do not separate, so let the Church be united.
Therefore My children, pray, and be yourselves a living Rosary of love, intercession and reparation, with the whole Church, to the Lord for Peace.
I thank all of you who have prayed for my beloved son who visited your country. Yes, My children, before the word and preaching of John Paul II, many more conversions took place than in 10 years of preaching in vain.
Therefore, pray for that My beloved son who suffers, but whom I lead to all the ways and roads of the World, as Messenger of Peace, as Herald of Peace, and as a sign of comfort and hope in these difficult times.
I love you, and I pray every day with you to my Son Jesus, that HE, my beloved children, may lighten your cross. Stay in Peace".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My Mercy burns in ME without limits!(pause) Like a lamp full of oil, so my Heart burns in flames for the souls. My Heart is like a Crystalline Fountain, to offer Peace, Softness and LOVE, to everyone who begs Me.
I thank all those who have fulfilled My MOTHER's requests.
This visit of John Paul II to Brazil, was not a simple visit, My Peter came here, because here, this land, was the land chosen by ME, so that My Throne and the Throne of My MOTHER, (pause) may be thus established.
Brazil will be My people, and I will be your GOD. But pray, because there are still many who do not know Me here (pause) and who do not obey Me.
But truly I say to you: - here, (pause) in Brazil, where I and my MOTHER come down every day, there will shine a Light stronger than the sun, and my Justice, here, will live.
Like a shepherd, who closes his sheep with strong protective fences, so I am surrounding Brazil, with the Cloak of My MOTHER, and with the FIRE of My Heart.
Yes, we are closing the siege against the enemy. He is desperate, because he is losing souls to ME, so pray, because he has anger, and more fury now against you. But I will always be close to those who, in prayer, watch. May your hands (pause) unite, and rise, with the Hands of My MOTHER, every day, so that Mercy may come to earth.
Verily I say to you, (pause) no word spoken in any Apparition will be in vain. All of them will be fulfilled soon, very soon.
That is why, My children, I ask you: - that you let My Spirit of LOVE act on you! He is the Consoler, He is your FRIEND.
I, Jesus, want (pause) to wash you with My Blood! I ask today, in every house, to put a Cross on the door. The family that does this will be defended by ME, and evil will not enter their home.
As the blood of the lamb, at the door of the Israelites, has removed the punishment, so My Blood, represented on the Cross, shed on the Cross, will be for you the security.
And announce to all My sons, to all My daughters, to all your brothers, how much I and My Mama love you.
Generation, I have never loved the world so much! My Heart (pause) melts (pause) and merges, in the FIRE that emanates from HIM. May this FIRE find in you a shelter, even if simple, like the cave of Bethlehem, but one that welcomes (pause) the FIRE of My Heart.
Therefore, generation, come back here, so that I and My MOTHER may continue your conversion.
This month, I also wish each one of you a visit to the sick. Whatever you do to them, it is to ME that you will do it. I want to see ME visiting (pause) some sick person.
I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (pause)
May Peace be with you. (pause) Go in My Peace".