Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, September 1, 1997
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, this breeze that blows now is for you, a confirmation that I am here. I always told you that when a gentle breeze blows it would be a sign that Your Mother is present.
I am here every day! All the signs that you see on top of this Mount are Mine, to show that I rejoice and I am very happy, when you come here to be near Me.
I thank you and I ask the prayer group that these days you pray as you have never done before, because this September 7th will be very special, and you will see many signs, especially conversions of people, and a greater number of people here, because now I will go powerfully and I want to act.
Prepare yourselves with much prayer! Pray more, much more this week because we want to act more than ever. I ask you to trust in Me and not give way to fear in your heart. So pray, pray a lot! I will pray for everyone.
On this coming 7th I will give a Special Blessing to all of you who come here. I want many young people, many of My children on this My Mount! I will touch all who open their hearts to Me and to My Son, for He will pass among you. All of you must pray and intercede a lot, so that these hearts of stone will be opened to Me.
I ask you all to pray for the conversion of humanity, and to spread My Messages everywhere. Do not just listen to them. Pass them on! I want you to spread them all over the city and everywhere! I want many children here! I ask you to pray and intercede for this to happen soon.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit."