Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, August 28, 1997
Message of Our Lady

My children, thank you for coming here to see (watch a presentation of) My Life, and at the same time, to open your heart to Me.
I ask you to welcome My Messages into your hearts. I will always be with you in difficult times! Do not look for blessings, terreiros, and those places where Satan dominates and deceives so many of My poor children.
Renounce all this, and open your hearts to GOD! Whoever trusts in Me and renounces these things, will have forgiveness of sins, and will have Peace in his life.
Satan is furious against Me, and therefore revolts, but do not be afraid of anything he does. In the end, my heart will come to life! I love you with sincere LOVE!
I desire that you pray, pray a lot, and surrender to Me! Let Me lead you by My Hands to GOD, and may your prayers be a comfort and consolation to My Heart, so full of Sorrow. I thank all of you.(pause) No one comes to GOD without Me!(pause)
I ask you to pray, pray the Rosary even more! The enemy is very angry, because the Rosary is a great weapon to fight him, and you are using it.
Don't stop praying to watch TV! Take your Rosary and pray the Rosary! Only then can you fight the enemy. He chases you a lot from this place, but I am here to help you and to help you, at the times you need it most.
You are praying very little yet, and only with much prayer can you prevent him from acting here!
I hope that in the schools the teachers will begin to pray the Rosary, because the young people are far from GOD. Many hearts do not know the LOVE of GOD! If you listen to everything I asked for here, soon everything will change, and in the young people the desire to know GOD will begin to sprout! I count on you, and I put my hope in you.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord".