Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, August 26, 1997
Message of Our Lady

Thank you for being here, once again. My Heart beats of LOVE for you!
Your prayer had power, and because of this, Satan was neutralized in the lives of many young people, and in the lives of many families.
Keep praying so that I can act powerfully in your city and in the lives of all of you, and so you will truly be Mine.
Pray always with much faith and love! You must always pray with your heart, and you will be protected from any and all evils that are around.
I love you so much!!!
Every time you pray with your heart, many Graces will be showered upon you! I ask you to make many sacrifices, fasts and penances. I will not give up on you for one second!
The enemy is furious, but trust me. Just as a mother does not forget her son, and knows the time to take him in her arms, so I take care of you.
Keep praying. Do not be discouraged in prayer.
Do not give up anything I ask of you, have faith! Love each other very much!
I bless you and leave you my peace in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".