Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, August 11, 1997
Message of Our Lady

My chosen children, now I ask you to pray, pray, pray, so that on Friday My children will welcome everything you say with great joy.
I want you to fast, do penance, and through these prayers I will wrest all that is hate, resentment, sadness and all the evil from your hearts, and I will leave you all filled with peace.
I will send all possible signs to convert hearts! Didn't I cover them with My Cloak when they were worried?
Your prayers will save many people. Now the battle will be fought between good and evil. Only your prayers will convert and save the people who are in danger of condemnation!
My TRIUMPHER is getting closer and closer! Pray the Rosary every day for the conversion of families. Only union, confession, the Eucharist and fasting can speed up my TRIUMPH!
Evangelization is a great weapon against evil and helps many people to be converted. May their hearts become one. Do not be afraid to tell people about the Gospel! The Holy Spirit will anoint you, and I will always be there for you, and I will cover you with my mantle to protect you from all evil.
Pray with your hearts for your own conversion! Do not let hatred, anger and disunity reign among you! May your hearts be pure! There are many here who are still in sin. You watch TV, you listen to profane music.
Pray! Pray! Pray! Don't forget to pray!
I love you!! I love you!! I love you very much, little children!!!
Don't let jealousy enter your hearts! He is the great cause of your disunity. Do not try to understand My Mysteries, because they are impregnable.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord".