Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 28, 1997
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, may the prayer group tomorrow (June 29, Feast of St. Peter the Apostle - Pope's Day) pray more for the Pope, and may make greater sacrifices for the Pope. Tomorrow I want the whole group to offer communion for him, to participate in Mass with him! By praying for Him, you can be united in heart with the Pope, be close to his heart.
I want you tomorrow to offer the Rosary especially for Him! Tomorrow, don't put any more requests on the Rosary, except for Him. Tomorrow I want all the prayer to go to Heaven, totally, only for Him.
Pray for this My beloved son, who suffers, and who carries the heaviest Cross of you all. He feels oppressed and crushed by a great burden on Him: - that of keeping faith on earth, and of repressing the forces of evil that want to overwhelm the Church, and lead most of My children to death, destruction, and sin.
My children, I wish you tomorrow too: - Consecrate the Pope to my Immaculate Heart! Pray the Consecration in his name to me, so that he may once again enter into the depths of my Immaculate Heart. and I also want all those who can, tomorrow, to make at least fifteen minutes of intercession before the Blessed Sacrament for him. tomorrow all your prayers will be for him. He needs your prayers!
Answer YES to my call, dear children, and for praying for my beloved son, I will give you much greater thanks than you usually ask for in your prayers.
Thank you. Thank you to the group for having answered My call!
I bless you with LOVE, stay in Peace. in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".