Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 7, 1997
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

"- My children, (pause) I thank you for coming here in spite of the cold and so many difficulties that have passed these days. I thank you, my children, for all your correspondence to my Immaculate Heart! You will be blessed if you do what I tell you.
I want my Immaculate Heart to be more loved and better known, by all my children. There are many My children who do not even know that My Immaculate Heart exists, that there is a Heart that suffers, and that is pierced, for every serious sin that you do.
I feel pain for those who are condemning themselves. I rejoice for every son who comes back to me.
My Immaculate Heart feels all the pains of humanity! My Immaculate Heart feels Maternally the pain of so many defenseless and weak children who are torn from their mothers' wombs.
My Immaculate Heart feels the pain of children who, from an early age, are forced to live in a world full of violence, corruption, pride and evil.
I suffer to see children who are hungry, who die abandoned by their own parents and by all of you in this society (pause) without GOD.
I suffer to see the young people who, each day more and more, plunge into the deadly poison of drugs, prostitution, the life of crime and everything in the world that is most poisonous and deadly, to destroy lives.
I look at the young people who also offer themselves to Me, and walk with Me, along the path of prayer, holiness, penance and LOVE. I bless these young people who try to bring the LOVE of my Son Jesus to others. They will receive, for every word, a great Glory at My side in Heaven. My Heart is their Strength, their Ark, and their Refuge always.
I feel pain when I see families so divided, devastated by spiritual misery, by temporal misery, by the misery of LOVE, because they have no LOVE. I suffer to see families that, instead of being a fertile land, to generate hearts of Saints for GOD, generate poisonous fruits for this world.
How many families have lost their way to GOD, and destroyed themselves! How many can still be destroyed, because they worship the soap operas, they worship so many television programs that have destroyed the Presence and Work of GOD in their hearts, they have offended the Holy Spirit, to put the spirit of evil in their hearts.
I feel pain for My Church, for My children Priests and Religious who, in the great battle to bring the Gospel, to bring Salvation, suffer so many attacks, so many tribulations and, at the same time, so many storms that My enemy provokes, so that the Gospel does not reach all hearts, and so many souls are not saved.
I am beside the Cross that the Church carries! I collect the stains of blood that the Church leaves on her path, and I, her Mother, offer her today, the Safe Haven of my Immaculate Heart.
I feel pain (pause) for each one of My children, who lives and dies without GOD.
I feel pain for My children who deny that hell exists; who deny that ETERNAL LIFE exists; who deny that My Son in the Eucharist lives, and EXISTS.
I feel sorrow for the children who, because they do not believe that hell exists, allow everything and present everything as good, that nothing else is sin.
I feel sorrow for all the children who forget that my Heart is waiting for them. But I rejoice for every child who decides to say YES, and to walk with me.
I rejoice for the children who, seeing my heart pierced with thorns, take a thorn for a thorn, every day, for their life of prayer and communion with me and with my Son. This is the great wonder that GOD reveals for the 20th Century: - MY IMMACULATE HEART, REFUGEMENT and SOURCE OF PEACE!
I tell you, children, until the world asks and returns to my Immaculate Heart, it will have no Peace.
Pray the Rosary every day, because in each account of the Rosary there is present, children, a seed of my Immaculate Heart. If you pray the whole Rosary, My Heart can act powerfully and without barriers in your lives.
I love you, and I am with you, even in the most difficult moments, and your tears all fall into the chalice of my Immaculate Heart.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Dear Ones, I AM LIFE! ALEGRIA speaks to you now! I AM THE EARTH that speaks to you! VIDAf(pause) speaks to you now.
I AM ETERNAL LIFE, whoever believes in ME will not die, and even if he is dead, he will live again. I AM HE who brings resurrection to many, new life to many.
Many of you ask yourselves in your heart: - Why the Apparitions? Why the Messages? Why the Visions? If you lived the Gospel, I and my MOTHER would not have to come down again to call you. OUR Messages are only the echo of the Gospel!
Just as lightning shines, and thunder echoes, so does My Gospel, like lightning of LOVE, of Peace and of Light, shines!!! and OUR Messages echo.
Generation! How much you are making my heart and my mother's heart suffer! You accumulate sins and more sins! You gather more and more glories and glories for yourself! You gather, more and more, darkness and gloom for you!
Children, I have come to announce to you that the DAY is already coming, that the LIGHT of the DAY is already beginning to shine, and the darkness will be cast out and extirpated, at the moment my Heart speaks. and my Arm will rise, for Justice to operate.
Be converted! Behold, the lack of conversion is a sword that pierced my Heart and the Heart of my MOTHER! O children, may your daily conversion take away that crown which, at every moment, men tirelessly do nothing but add and cause to sprout, more thorns of sins and offenses.
Today you remember, that one year ago my MOTHER shed Tears through this Image, which Heaven itself chose (it is the Image of the Apparition - Queen and Messenger of Peace)
Children, may the Tears of my MOTHER wash your hearts and make you born to the Spirit!
Seek My LOVE! Seek My Spirit! Do not look so much for the bread of the earth, the bread of pleasures, of exaggerated amusements, the bread of lust, because this bread does not last. because only My Bread lasts forever!
I bless you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and Holy Spirit".