Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, March 7, 1997
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children! I give you my LOVE and my Peace! I am the Mother of Peace!
Dear children, GOD wants to make great Plans and Graces in your hearts. Open your hearts to GOD!
In this holy time of Lent, GOD sends me to you, my dear children, to give you the Peace that only Heaven has. I come full of Peace in my Mother's Heart, to forgive your hearts with the LOVE and Grace of GOD.
Believe firmly, dear children, believe as if you are seeing Me! I am the protector of your hearts! Against the shield of my Immaculate Heart, Satan can do nothing in you.
I love you, children, and I continue praying for you every day at the Throne of my Lord. You, children, with GOD, are more than winners, but without GOD, you will never reach eternal happiness.
You children are so weak and small that you need GOD even to breathe! Without GOD, you would be just dust that the wind drags away.
My beloved ones, I thank you for coming back here. Keep coming! GOD wants to make a Work of Salvation happen in each of you! It is My Mother's Mission to form you, strengthen you, feed you and educate you on the path of LOVE.
My mortal enemy, My eternal enemy, always disturbs. he wants to disturb your prayers and take away your Peace. Send him away, dear children, with a life of prayer and union with Me!
I will predispose everything, I will show you everything you must do. I will be by your side in times of greatest tribulation and anguish. My Immaculate Heart is the Ark of the Covenant, where I want to keep all my children, so that they will not be swept away or drowned by the flood of hatred and sin that reigns in the world.
Trust in GOD, dear children, trust in Me, I am trusting in your prayers!
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My People! Chosen Mine! I, Jesus, your ALEGRIA, rejoice deeply for you being here! I tremble with joy in my bowels, for your prayers and for your coming here.
Each time you come here, you give great joy to my Sacred Heart, and to my Mother's Heart. I have sought comforters, and have not found them! Here in this place, I want to find those who console My Heart, so offended and so trodden down by the lack of faith and brutality of men.
I am your ALL, I AM the Good Shepherd, and the GOD who always repeats the same song: - Turn around! Turn to Myself!
My children, I died on the Cross to save you! Only the FATHER knows what I suffered in those moments. My Body, all disjointed and all wounded, in my Heart a mortal agony and loneliness, my Body broke totally into frenzies of fever and pain, my Body extinguished itself in the shedding of Blood, of the Blood that gave you the life of salvation, to each one of you.
It caused Me so much pain in every vein and in every part of My Body. You could count all My Bones! It was from the Cross that I cried out to Jerusalem, and I cried out to your world today: - I am thirsty! I am thirsty for souls, for hearts, for love! I am thirsty for lives given to me! For them I died, suffering in their place.
I ask you, dear children, to sincerely repent of your sins, because now I open my heart to forgive, I extend my hand to lift up those who have fallen, and to heal the wounded, because soon my hand will no longer be that of a Merciful Savior, but that of a Judge, to point out your heart full of hatred, and say: - I did not know you!
Children! Love one another as I have loved you. There is no greater love than that which loves its brothers with the LOVE that I have loved. He who loves his brothers and sisters, but does not suffer with them and for them, has not loved yet. Learn from ME, that I am Sweet and LOVING of Heart.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".