Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, January 30, 1997
Message of Our Lady

My dear children, I never choose the best. If I choose them it is because, in their weakness, I manifest My MOTHER POWER as Mother.
You are those children who are like the ward of My Eyes! You are like the fibers of My Mother Heart!
You must be those who fight against the enemy's opposite band of evil! Do not be discouraged, My children! My Immaculate Heart will crush the whole assault of Satan!
In my Immaculate Heart, the Church will have Peace, and each one of you will receive according to the love that you have offered and given to me.
I love you! I leave my peace".
Message of Our Lady
"- My dear children, (pause) today, My Heart rejoices for your presence of love and prayer here.
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! May this Name reach My children as soon as possible! My Name brings Peace, Peace that the Lord GOD will give to the heart that hears and listens to Me.
My dear children, thank GOD and praise Him because He has allowed Me to stay with you so long!
GOD, on February 7, 1991, was so in love with the world that He sent Me to Earth to help My children, so much in need of Peace, so much in need of LOVE. This LOVE, I give Him freely. I can give the LOVE, because I love with the boundless LOVE of Jesus!
I give LOVE to the Church!
I give LOVE to families!
I give LOVE to young people, to all children, to all those who call Me!
I am with you, little ones, and I know the weakness that you are made of; I will not abandon you. In this valley of tears, I am constantly cherishing My children in My Arms, and hiding them again in My Heart.
While I am with you, you have Peace and Security, but I want you, My children, to hasten your conversion, because I am in the last grains of time of My Presence among you, but I will always be in the life and heart of the children who answered YES to Me.
Today, in response to your love, I bring many souls (from Purgatory) with me to GOD, and I bring many Graces to you from GOD.
I want you to know, My children, that just as the Lord is ETERNAL, My LOVE, which comes from the Lord, for you, will also be ETERNAL. I love you with ETERNAL LOVE!
Form prayer groups everywhere! Few have answered My request! Few have done what My Messages say, and many are those who sin, who blaspheme, and who offend.
Ask forgiveness of GOD! GOD is so eager and eager to forgive them!
I am with you, and my Immaculate Heart follows all the bloody steps of you.
I bless you and leave you with peace in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My Sheep!(pause) My rescued lambs! I, Jesus, the ABBA FATHER, speak to you!
I and My MOTHER, in place of the thrones of vices and pleasures, will bring forth Two Glorious Thrones: - that of My Sacred Heart, and that of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, of My MOTHER Mary!
Before the brightness of OUR Hearts, all darkness will be banished from the face of the earth! My Holy Spirit will be poured out on all the hearts that have said YES to her on the day of my MOTHER TRIUMPH.
Just as My Apostles stayed with My MOTHER, praying in the Upper Room, and I sent My Holy Spirit to those who were praying with Her, I will send My Holy Spirit to all who pray with My MOTHER!
Your families are in ruins! You have become the nests of serpents and vipers, because you took prayer from your families, and by expelling My MOTHER, you thought that life would improve, and now, here is the fruit of sin: - wars, hatreds, and disputes.
You have sown evil. But it is not yet late: - repent! Ask forgiveness of Myself, with hearts steeped in contrition and humiliation, and I will forgive you. I can never deny forgiveness to anyone who asks me through my MOTHER.
I also ask you to form prayer groups. Until when, My children, will I wait and tolerate your anesthesia and spiritual paralysis? How long will I have to help you alone in everything that happens? (pause) Pray! Without prayer you will receive nothing!!! Pray!
I promise to make the prayer groups of my MOTHER a fire, a burning bush that burns and does not consume, and whose fruit will last forever, because the whole branch that is in ME, will burn in MY LOVE, and will bear much fruit, and the fruit will remain, by ME.
I, Jesus, give you today my Blessing and the Blessing of my MOTHER, and I ask you not to forget this day, and to be ever more faithful to ME, and to my MOTHER Mary. in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
My charm increases for you. Increase your love for my Heart, your charm".