Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, September 7, 1996
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, (pause) today, I bless all who have come here to praise my Mother Heart.
Dear children, I look at you all! I bless you all! And in this instant, I and my Son Jesus give you the Holy Spirit, breath of LOVE. (pause)
Dear children, today I, the Mother of Brazil, bless this land! From the day it was discovered, it belongs to my Immaculate Heart!
Just as the wind comes suddenly, and no one knows when it will blow, so too, children, will be the moment when I will free your Brazil from the clutches of My enemy.
It will come at the moment when they cannot yet know, but it will come with the speed of the wind, and take away everything that is evil, from this land that belongs to Me.
I wish to tell you that this is a time of prayer, sacrifice and penance. My Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart desires penance from My children!
Fasting with joy! Pray, praising GOD, because while praising, Graces and more Graces are poured out like true flames throughout the world.
I, your Mother, invite you to a new path, a path that is difficult, yes, but whose end is happiness in Heaven. There in Heaven, dear children, with a single smile that I and my Son will give you, you will remember nothing else, and your sufferings will seem like a tiny shadow.
Pray that your lives, dear children, may be a testimony from Heaven! You talk a lot about GOD and about Heaven, but you have witnessed little to GOD in your lives.
My Pope John Paul II, together with me, invites all of you to pray for the new millennium that will be born, to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Truly, I tell you: the new millennium will be the time of the Holy Spirit, the time of full Grace; total Pentecost in the hearts that My Lord is gathering and forming, in the Army, of which I am the Commander.
Pray! Pray a lot, children, because there are still many who do not want to be converted, nor to receive My Messages.
Offer Me all the contempt, all the suffering of your day. Give everything to Me! Entrust everything to Me! Give everything to Me!
I am with each of you, I will not abandon you. and I, dear children, want to tell you that I too pray to GOD for the salvation of the world. I also need to pray that GOD will grant me to work wonders among you.
If the Mother of Heaven prays, you too must pray. If you truly love Me, if you want to be truly My, do all that I have done for Jesus, and do all that I ask, for love of Jesus.
My children, I bless you all, and I leave this Special Blessing of Peace in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in Brazil today.
Stay, my dear Brazilian people, in the Peace of the Lord!
I leave you my peace".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Dear Ones! I am here with my MOTHER, the Blessed One, the most graced and loved My Eyes have found among all men of all times on earth.
I come with her to tell you: Peace (pause) and Hope!
You, My children, sheep of My Holy Flock, who are so assaulted by the voracious wolf, the enemy, who every day tries to surround you with more and more cunning snares, and tries to take you away from My staff, the Good Shepherd.
Truly, I say to you, soon I will raise My staff, I will crush his head, (that of the enemy) and he will stop seducing and persecuting My innocents.
O children, what I desire, as your GOD, is that you repent of your sins; make you innocent, again, by penance, by prayer, by fasting, of which I myself gave you the example, fasting in the desert; (pause) observing the Commandments of My FATHER; loving, serving, always defending My Holy Church: the Rock.
If it were not for My Church, the Rock, this world would already have consumed itself (pause) in an immense war of hatred, vengeance, and bloodshed.
My Church, the Bringer of Truth, the Bringer of My Sacrament of LOVE, the Eucharist; the Bringer of My Forgiveness, through Confession; My Church, my beloved ones, is for you a source of security and Peace, for all humanity.
Your world has no Peace because you do not seek Me with a pure and open heart.
Churches, you have many, scattered in so many cities, in so many places. You, all of you, do not go to the churches (pause) to adore me in the Eucharist, nor do you give your life and even your difficulties there, so that I may give you my graces.
For you, I reside in the tabernacle, as a King of Mercy. How often I want to give thanks to souls, but they do not accept it, because their heart is resentful, their heart is unbelieving, and they have no love for me.
My children, pray for your Brazil! In attention to my MOTHER whom I love so much, I will make Brazil (pause) the fortress of Peace.
I will bring to your land, My Holy Spirit of Grace, and HE will unite all My sheep, and make them meek, humble, and servant, because I will give them the water of LIFE, and only those who are meek will possess the land.
Your Brazil will be the land of the meek of heart, of those who promote Peace, and sow the Gospel of LOVE, Truth, Justice, and Peace.
Therefore, beloved, rejoice with My MOTHER! She extended Her Hands to Me, asking on your behalf, and I can deny Nothing to the One who has never denied Me anything, but pray a lot, because in your Brazil there are so many things that displease Me, that hurt Me, and make Me suffer.
Right here in this city, in June, My MOTHER, under My LIGHT, showed Her Tears of Pain, through the image that is here.
My MOTHER cried over the sins of your Brazil, and of your world!
My MOT cried, because even those who are good do not strive to purify and sanctify themselves totally.
Therefore, beloved: - turn! turn! turn (pause) to ME! This is the song that My MOTHER and I, we repeat without ceasing: - turn! turn! turn (pause) to ME!
Your Brazil will have Peace, but we must pray a lot, because sensuality has dominated so many souls, and driven them away from ME.
Pray! With My MOTHER by your side and in front of you, commanding the Army, you have nothing to fear, and I am with you, because I AM THAT I AM, AND ALWAYS IT WILL BE. And My Church, born of My Blood and Water, gushed forth in the Cross, is like ME, and just as I always WAS, I AM, and WILL BE, My Church was, always will be, always remain.
I leave you my peace! Receive the Holy Spirit, and I bless you with the grace of the Father. Son. and the Holy Spirit.
We leave you Peace! Go in OUR Peace!"