Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, March 21, 1996
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, I desire, with all my Mother's Heart, to say to you today once again: PRAY!
Nothing is more important than prayer now.
What the world needs is not power, greatness, but what the world needs is GOD, my LOVE, and prayer!
If you pray, all that you do not have the strength to overcome alone will be solved, because prayer is a river of living water that flows into ETERNAL LIFE.
Whoever prays, walks in the world like a river that will end in Heaven, in eternity, in life in GOD, that will never end.
Pray that your hearts may already experience the presence and Peace of Heaven on Earth!
I pray for you every day to GOD for your Peace. Pray also for the Peace of the world, just as I pray for it.
Pray the Rosary every day!
What I say is serious! It is your Heaven that is in decision, My children!
A sin of yours could make you lose the encounter with me and with the FATHER! Do not play with your salvation!
Pray for truth! Pray with love! Pray with all humility, with all confidence, and with all your surrender to GOD!
Consecrate yourselves! Do not keep your hearts with you! Leave your hearts safe with Me, because if they are in My Hands, the enemy cannot take Me!
When I say consecrate, it is to live My Messages, to pray the Rosary, to let go of the television, to fast, to confess all the month, to believe, to live in Peace.
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (pause) Stay in the Peace of the Lord!"