Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, March 2, 1996
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, GOD is full of LOVE to each one of you!
GOD continues sending Me to earth to give you the Messages and YOUR LOVE. Do not lose confidence, do not lose hope!
Dear children, continue praying the Rosary every day with love and perseverance!
GOD is fighting for the righteous, and the righteous with HIM will triumph! Do not lose courage and hope if Satan seems to be the ruler of the world, the sure Lord of all people, and the total king of the face of the earth.
Make no mistake, My children! Do not lose hope, because soon the kingdom of Satan will become a heap of ruins and ashes. His throne will be totally annihilated and devoured by the devouring fire of GOD's Justice! He will be locked up in hell with a seal by the Angels of GOD, and that is why this will be the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart!
Soon, all those My little children, who weep, who suffer with Me, who call their knees to prayer with Me, will Triumph, because he who humbles himself is exalted, and Satan, who now exalts himself, showing himself to be the dominator for the youth, who has seduced to drugs, to crime; for the couples he has separated; for the souls he has taken from the Church, who has made him fall into apostasy, into lack of faith, into lack of love, into false sects; he who presents himself as the dominator of the whole society; he will be totally annihilated.
The world will be given a new time of Peace!
Pray the Rosary, that this time of Pazf may come as soon as possible, which my Immaculate Heart anxiously awaits!
Thank you for your love for Me and for My Messages!
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord!"