Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, January 9, 1996
Message of Our Lady

I speak to you today of fidelity to GOD. Fidelity, dear children, which is the perfect fulfillment of GOD's Will, even if you have to fulfill it with the cross on your shoulders.
Dear children, today I want to tell you that faithfulness to GOD has no time, no day, and no moment to happen.
You must be faithful to the LOVE of GOD, in all the moments of happiness, as well as in the moments of trials and pain.
Each one of you has a cross, which you must carry with love.
Fidelity is manifested more in the cross than in glory.
He who does not suffer, does not worry about being faithful to GOD, but he who suffers with love, there he finds himself, there he can examine himself, and he can look at his fidelity to GOD's plan.
GOD, every day, allows them trials, so that their faithfulness may be purified more and more, and closer to HIM, who is Our FATHER.
The sufferings that you have in your lives are not a sign that GOD has forgotten you; on the contrary, they are a sign that GOD wants to bring you closer and closer to HIM!
I am as Mother of Faith, Faithful Mother, with my people, with each one of you, to lead you along the road of faithfulness to GOD.
Leave your pleasures aside, renounce your self-love, which is so great!
You cannot look at the sufferings with GOD's eyes, because you only want your part, and you do not want to open your hearts to welcome the part of GOD, and the part of your brothers.
So I invite everyone to pray the Rosary, with renewed, intense love, asking for the Gift of faithfulness to GOD, asking for the Gift of being ever more united to GOD.
This is the year of unity! Whoever is faithful to GOD is united to HIM, and whoever is united to HIM is a child of HIS LOVE.
Therefore, dear children, when you ask for the gift of unity, ask for the gift of faithfulness, because in these days many are the ones who say: "Lord! Lord!", but only he who does the Will of the Father will win.
If you want to win with Jesus, do also everything that the FATHER tells you.
What I desire is that they may be docile to the action of the Holy Spirit, and that their hearts may truly be a living, intense tabernacle, a nest where all the Grace of the Gift of the Holy Spirit is housed.
I bless them all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord!"