Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 23, 1995
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, we are close to Christmas. When they look at the Nativity scene, their eyes are filled with joy; joy is reborn, LOVE shines again!
That is why I invite you to have the same humility as the Child Jesus. With the humility of GOD you will be able to live with affection the whole Plan entrusted to you.
GOD continues to guide you with LOVE, every day, on the Path of Truth! Look at the simplicity of the shepherds who, full of trust in the word of the Angel, set out to meet Jesus. The shepherds had nothing great in themselves to call the attention of others to themselves, but. they had in themselves the most important thing that the Lord AMA: - humility and purity of heart!
GOD reveals Himself to the simple of heart! To the pure, the little ones, YOUR Glory, YOUR LOVE, and YOUR Presence!
I ask, dear children, all the Mercy of GOD, to be poured out upon you in these times. Few have experienced humility in their hearts lately; everyone wants GOD, everyone wants Peace, but... they do not find it.
Peace and LOVE are in humility! If you have humility, LOVE within you, you will find GOD, full of forgiveness and Mercy towards each one of you. Remember children: - Only in humility is GOD!
I bless you all in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".