Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, October 24, 1995
Message of Our Lady

With much affection, I wish to bless you all on this wonderful day, when the FATHER allowed Us to meet. I am Maria, Call of LOVE! I AM, dear children, the Mother of GOD, and her Eternal Mother!
I, dear children, look at you all, little children, embrace you with my LOVE, keep you in my Heart, and bless you with a special Maternal Blessing. Dear children, magnify the Lord with your life full of charity, full of prayer, full of fervor, full of Peace, full of Faith!
I bless all of you, your families, especially this family that loves Me with heart! I bless this dear ground, which will be My Little House, according to the House of Nazareth. Here, I, Joseph and Jesus, will come to dwell, so that your hearts, My children, may never fall into sorrow, but rather into the Joy of GOD, of which My Immaculate Heart is full. May My children take each one and fill them with affection.
Many ask me for graces! Some I can give them, others I cannot. They need to be converted, to change their lives, to return to GOD through the road of LOVE, through the road of Faith and Peace!
What disfigures the world, what spoils the works, is pride. Never be proud, My children, be simple, be humble, be pure of heart, and you will see GOD in your lives! You will feel YOUR LOVE, through YOUR Holy Spirit, acting, leading, transforming, converting each one.
Love! Do not have, My children, measure to love, love without measure!!! Pride measures charity. Throw pride out of your lives and your hearts, and you will love totally. I am with you, children, to teach you to LOVE! He who cannot yet LOVE is not prepared for Heaven.
You will know that you are prepared for Heaven when you discover that you already LOVE, forgive, and when you give yourself and sacrifice for LOVE to your brothers and sisters, but. how many of My children death surprises! They are habitually living in sin, full of hatred, resentment and darkness, and are thrown immediately into the fire of hell.
Love, My children, to Jesus!!! When they come to Him, they will ask if they loved, if they forgave, if they helped the poor and the simple, if they sought to forgive all their brothers and sisters, to treat them as they would treat Jesus!
The Way to learn to LOVE is prayer, it is sacrifice, it is penance, it is the life of confession and the permanent Eucharist.
I desire, my children, to give you an ideal garment! A garment of true children of GOD is a heart that LOVES!!! He is wonderful, he is very beautiful!
LOVE, My children, transfigures, embellishes, makes your heart shine with a great wonder! So, if you want to know who I think is beautiful, it is those who PRAY. PRAY, and My Eyes will be happy to see them beautiful, one day in Heaven, as true Angels, and not as demons, horrible monsters, in the fire of hell, no!!
I want to see them beautiful and shining like the Sun, like the Angels in Heaven! For that, children, pray! pray!
I bless the little prayer room you are in, My little children, raised in My Honor. I promise to live here, as the Virgin of the Rosary of Peace, and I promise to bless with ever greater Graces, all those who kneel in it for prayer and intercession at My side. Above all, all those who have suffered and striven so that she may be dedicated to Me will be greatly blessed.
I bless all with LOVE in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit. Stay in the Peace of the Lord".