Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, October 6, 1995
Second Apparition
Message of Saint Michael the Archangel

An Announcement of Hope.
"- I am Michael!!! I am the beloved Messenger of GOD!!! To each one of you, I, beloved ones, keep all the temptations that stand in your way.
Tonight, in this night, I want to make a LOVE PRAYER to your hearts: - Do not mix with the sin of the world! Do not be, beloved children of GOD, mud, dirty mud. Don't be! Be instead, beloved of GOD, a source of pure, crystalline water, to wash away this flood of mud, of writing, that the devil has thrown down for all humanity.
United to the Heart of the MOTHER of GOD, wash away this world filled with darkness, rottenness, and disaffection.
I want, beloved of GOD, to bring you the Peace of the heart, this Peace, my beloved, the Lord of hosts can give you, and this same Lord is here before you in the Eucharist.
O beloved ones, what greater Grace could the Lord give you than the Presence of the MOTHER OF GOD, and HIMself in the Sacrament of the Eucharist?
That BLOOD, which one day all the Angels of Heaven and I, petrified, contemplate staining the earth, flowing in puddles through the stones of Calvary. that same BLOOD is here before you, hidden in the Eucharist. Alive! Truly Alive!
The Flesh that one day we, horrified, contemplated shattered, torn, is here, True and Real, DIVINE and Mighty, hidden in the Eucharist for you. You, beloved children of GOD, have the greatest gifts from GOD, but you do not know how to appreciate.
How many times in Lent have you refused a simple penance to the Lord. Many times, even from leaving your pleasures and practicing abstinence from flesh, and you, children, did not even want to give this to the Lord.
How many times have you not practiced the true abstinence requested by the MOTHER OF GOD and the Lord: - The abstinence from sin, from offering your bodies to sensuality, to prostitution, to adultery, in relationships before marriage!
O children of GOD, how many times has Satan tried to throw up (mock) in the Face of the MOTHER OF GOD, mocking HIM, as if defying GOD and HIM, proud of having conquered so many souls for sin.
And you? What have you done?
Instead of fighting the forces of evil, you, on the contrary, were accomplices to sin!!! You helped sin to proliferate in homes, in families, and even among GOD's people.
Sin today is no longer fought, it is exalted, proclaimed and presented as a good, as a value to be followed!!
O beloved children of GOD, the fire of hell is making a great noise, for it is full of souls to devour, while painfully the Lord Jesus and the MOTHER of GOD, even shedding copious tears, even calling you, are not able to attend.
I, Michael, have been engaged in an extremely unique and decisive struggle against the dragon. He lately finds himself spitting fire on all souls, throwing into them the fire of prostitution, adultery, sensuality, spitting the fire of hatred, disaffection, spitting the fire of wars, fights, spreading the fire of bloodlust.
Her last attempt will be to spit and vomit a river of water, to try to submerge the WOMAN DRESSED IN THE SUN, who is the Commander of the Army that fights. And this river of water will be, O beloved children, as if total disbelief, apostasy; total denial of the Messages of the MOTHER OF GOD, and total incredulity, which you now see in the world partially, but. very soon, incredulity, the hardness of hearts, will become very great, very fierce.
Even so, the earth comes to the rescue of Woman, and WAS defended. So also you, who are dust from the earth, ashes from the earth, you who love the MOTHER OF GOD, who pray and live her Messages, are like this powerful dam of prayer, which will not allow the mud vomit of the enemy to project itself against her. The Works of the MOTHER OF GOD will not be shaken or forgotten!
After that, there will be Armageddon, the Total Battle of the Warriors of the Lord with the Warriors of Evil, with the ever-VITORY of the Lord.
And finally, there will be Peace on Earth.
Prepare yourselves, beloved children of GOD, for this Glorious TRIUMPHER of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary!!! O beloved children, on that Day of the TRIUMPH you will weep with joy, because you will love GOD more!
As for the threats that hang over you, you who pray, who do penance, who share the Body and BLOOD of the Lord with purity and piety, with love and devotion, you have nothing to fear! On the contrary, you only have to praise the Mercy so Great that the FATHER had for you!!! You are a chosen and privileged people!
All of you, who receive in your hands the Messages and Advice of the Holy Mother of Heaven, walk with HIM! learn from HIM to be faithful to the Lord!!
Truly, the TRIUMPH OF THE Immaculate Heart will take place at the end of the Antichrist's reign in just 45 days!!! The whole earth will become a new Garden of Grace, Beauty, LOVE and Holiness, so that everything and all things will revive in Christ! and for Christ. You will then see yourselves resurrected to Christ! For everyone who lives for Christ and suffers for Christ, now with Christ shall be reborn, in beauty and holiness.
The Holy Spirit will descend as an Abrasive FIRE, and will devour in your heart, burn all that is hatred, that is the germ of sin, and He will deposit in you, the new seed, the seed of LOVE, the Essence of GOD that is LOVE!
You will love through LOVE, you will live forever! You yourselves, beloved children of GOD, will be LOVE in person!
So grow up as true little brothers, who love each other and love each other well! Now walk together, like a big family, in prayer, in fasting, in this beautiful and wonderful journey that the MOTHER of GOD has invited you to, because you, beloved children of the Lord, have only ONE Heaven to gain; you have only one ETERNAL LIFE to receive in you!
That is why, beloved children of the Lord, I lovingly exhort you: If necessary, do not think twice about giving your lives for Jesus, because this life lasts so little compared to Heaven! Wish for Heaven! Love Heaven!!! Seek Heaven!
Behold, I say to you, that when it happens you may believe: - In difficult times your homes will be visited by the Angels, and they will be invaded by a sweet scent of roses. the Presence of the Holy Mama, who will be near you!
The Angels, coordinated by Me, will provide everything for you; don't be afraid of anything!! And therefore say no, no, not to all the temptation of the enemy!!! Above all, say no when the dark envoy arrives! He who comes, O beloved ones, to bring disaffection.
Say no, not to the enemy, and say yes to GOD, for GOD will prevail forever!! You must ask every day: - Maranatha, come Lord Jesus, for He is coming, at the gates. By this I mean that the KINGDOM of Jesus will come, so do not think beloved, now, of anything that can take you away from GOD!
Fill your hearts and minds with holy desires and plans for the salvation of all!
My Sword will defend you from evil and sin, My Shield will defend you from all the threats and pains that come your way.
The houses that welcome the Holy Mother with Her Messages, especially the Message of this City, where She comes as the Mother of Peace, the houses that welcome Her in this way, will always be guarded, defended and helped by Her Heart, and you will not perish.
You, who welcome the Medal of Peace, who welcome Mary the Messenger into your homes, will have as it were the Blood of the Lamb at the door of your homes, and evil will pass away from you, but it will not touch you.
Here, where she came with this Name of Queen and Messenger of Peace, was exactly in the days when, in the Persian Gulf, blood was flowing everywhere.(1991)
She came to tell you, dear children of GOD, beloved brothers: - If your conversion does not happen, it will not happen soon, now! that blood that has been shed will not flow only through desert lands, but. all over the earth as well. That is why the Almighty Lord GOD sent His Sacred Heart, the Immaculate Heart, and My Heart too, of LOVE.
I, who pray for you, intercede at the Feet of the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, so that these Messages, beloved of the Lord, may produce conversions for you! I tell you: - There is no more time! There is no more time! The Chalice overflows, it spills. Return to the Lord! Return to the Lord! Do not be afraid! The Lord will cast one Look upon you, and that will be enough for you, if you are humble.
Do not forget the Jaculatory that I taught you:
"- My Jesus, Mercy!!! Mercy!!! Mercy!!!"
Ask the Lord for Mercy, ask Him, especially when you go before Him in the Blessed Sacrament!
Jesus is with His Heart, beloved, I no longer say wounded, but... He is with His Heart not only crushed, but... totally torn, crushed, by sins, offenses and blasphemies that are cast against Him.
Repair the Heart of Jesus, repair the One who loved you so much, who died on the Cross to save you.
There was no one to help Him carry the Cross on the way to Calvary. What a desire I felt to descend from Heaven and help My GOD, KING and Lord, to carry the Cross, but. the FATHER did not allow it, because the Plan was for the Son to immolate Himself.
How much I wanted to wipe away the Tears, so much felt, that the Holy Mother was pouring at the foot of the Cross, and I could not.
Can there be more tears than seeing the Eyes of the Holy Mother spilling BLOOD? Can there be greater martyrdom than to contemplate Your own KING and Lord, annihilated, lowered, on a Cross, to save you, the poor sinners, with the Heart pierced from one side to the other?? HIM, who in Heaven fills us, at every moment, with sighs of LOVE and with shivers of Joy, Eternal Joy???
And even today, this BLOOD, continues to devastate, deform, destroy and even end with the Eyes of Jesus and Mary. How His United Hearts are crushed by Pain!
Be converted!!! Convert Yourself! Convert Yourself! Repent of your sins!!!! Do not massacre anymore, do not stab the Sacred Hearts, which have so much LOVE in you.
In the Name of GOD, of the Eternal and Holy FATHER, I wish this Message to be called: - An Announcement of Hope, An Announcement to Hope.
There will come moments when you will groan for the corners of the walls, begging Mercy, as you contemplate such pain that will fall on the earth, but. look with confidence at the One who is your MOTHER, that HER HANDS will always be on you, and HIS Sacred Cloak will cover you.
You will see many, many losing their life, but. remember also, brethren, that he who loses his life for Christ's sake, he who offers himself for love of HIM, to the brethren, will gain a Glory that does not pass away.
Therefore, to give one's life is to help the most needy, the smallest, the poorest, it is to pray for all and to be merciful to all. To give one's life is to fast for the conversion of the brother! To give one's life is to forget oneself and to give oneself for one's brother.
Therefore, the first brother for whom you must give your life, and who is also your spiritual Father, is dear Pope John Paul II. In fact, the last measures of the chalice are missing for Him to taste. He needs, now more than ever, prayer and sacrifices, so that he may remain firm until the end. Above all, intercede for priests, for peace of all hearts, so that none of you will stand apart in TRIUNFO.
I, Michael, promise to intercede every day at the Throne of GOD for all of you. I promise to keep you all under my shield, and for you always to intercede for each one at the Throne of Jesus.
Above all, you will experience great protection from those who always do Triduum Masses, three days in a row, with Communions in a state of Grace, in My Honor! They will feel My Sword knocking down all the cages and traps that the enemy puts in their path. And they will also be protected those who, especially on Tuesdays, pray My Rosary.
In this way you will all know that I AM the Angel of GOD, your friend, protector, companion, and intimate family member, so that I too may embrace you, brothers, on the Day of the TRIUMPHER. I myself asked the Holy Mother for permission to embrace all of you on TRIUMPH Day, to you, who must be the courageous ones to give the Public Testimony of the LOVE of GOD before the world.
I put my hands on everyone, to also wish you Peace, and I bless you with the Blessing of GOD the FATHER, of GOD the Son, and of GOD the Holy Spirit.
Who as GOD? Who as GOD?
Go, proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, the LOVE, to all the brothers and sisters, so that they may be saved and have Peace".
Message of Our Lady
"- Little children, I, your Mother, leave you already blessed on this day. Thank you, children, to all those who came to meet me.
Do not be afraid, little children! I am with you, and I never tire of saying that I am your Mother!
Do not be afraid, my dear children, because my Immaculate Heart will always be the refuge, the little house that I have always prepared for you!
Do not be afraid! Go happy to the Cenacle tomorrow, smiling for this Message of Hope that the Archangel from Heaven came to bring you, and to which I now ratify, with My WORD.
In truth, children, those who are here tonight are being sealed; those with open hearts are being sealed now with the Spiritual BLOOD of the Lamb, who is my Son Jesus in the Eucharist, and now this BLOOD is also printed in this little chapel on the Mount and above all on all the hearts of this city and its relatives who welcome me with love.
Punishments will pass, children, but they will not touch you. Rejoice! I want, my bambinos, my little ones, my sweet children, to spare you from all evil!
How many Graces I have not done in this century!
How many Punishments I have not spared!
How many dialogues I have had with the souls, and with the soul of this child, for Me so loved and so dear, My angel, to whom I appear every day, to console each one of you, through him.
Rejoice, my little one, for you want the Passion so much. and I will give you, even my Sword. everything, will be given to you!
Don't worry, you are already wrapped in My Veil, and this same White Belt, that I carry on my waist My son, is the LOVE Tie with which I conquered him.
See, My beloved, how my open Heart is full of Flaming Rays? This will be your home".