Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, September 25, 1995
Message of Our Lady

I want to give you again my LOVE! and the immense Grace of my Presence. Continue, my dear children, to live all the Messages that I give you. with LOVE.
I want, my dear children, to give you all my Grace, to give you all my Mercy, to give you all my Maternal LOVE. I, dear children, fill my Immaculate Heart with ever greater Grace to give to my children: - The LOVE that comes from Heaven, that comes from GOD!
Through prayer I purify their hearts and prepare them to receive the DIVINE Gift of the Holy Spirit. With My own Hands I remove the stains from their hearts, to present them immaculate and pure before GOD.
Dear children, the world is approaching serious catastrophes, and painful events hang over you, but. the hardness, the blindness of your hearts, prevents you from seeing the Signs of the Times, which are already happening.
Look, My children, the spread of hatred, lack of faith, unbelief, the fight against the LOVE of GOD!!! Look, My children, the indifference, look at the plagues, the hunger, the wars. Look, dear children, at the total unbalance of the planet's climate, which you are already feeling and tasting!
All of this, my dear children, is proof that My Messages are serious and correct. Everything I predicted must now come true, must now be totally verified.
Finally, when the wicked and evil man appears, who will bring desolation, apostasy and general darkness to the hearts, then, My children, the enemy will reach the highest point he desires: - To control all humanity and all things, social, economic and political, religious and civil.
But after the enemy proudly sings his victory, the Sacred Heart of Jesus Immaculate, with a strong thunder, will overshadow his wickedness, and then he will not laugh with such pretension as he does now of GOD.
The enemy will be trodden down, and my Immaculate Heart will tear up the darkness that he will have spread in the world. He will shine the LIGHT again, dear children, and then, my Immaculate Heart will TRIUMPH, and come forever!
Do not wait for the last warnings I will give you, so that you may be converted! Do not wait, my children, for these things to happen, for you to be converted!
You wait for it to happen, and then you pray! Pray, My children, for all the good things in these My Messages, because by the time men want to live them and believe in them, it will be too late.
Open your hearts, My children, now, because GOD is pouring out upon you the FIRE of the Holy Spirit, this FIRE, My children, which is burning in you now, for the Presence of the Mother of Heaven in so many places, with so many warnings!
This Grace, soon you may no longer have it! Therefore, I ask you, dear children, to continue praying the Rosary every day, attending to my Mother and urgent invitation to conversion. The Rosary, My children, is the medicine that the world needs in these times!
Continue to go to confession every month, to take communion with love, to participate fervently in Holy Mass, to say no more and more to the things of the world, and to open your eyes to see the Signs of the Times, which are already happening in Brazil and throughout the world, so that each one of you, My children, may believe in these My Messages, so that each one of you, My children, may achieve salvation in GOD!
Behold, I tell you, so that when it happens you may know, My dear children, that when man is installed in the power of the world, you will see the (tribulation) marginalization happen, you will see, My children, contempt. You will live in the most complete solitude and abandonment, on the part of even the people who say they love you, but when you sell yourselves to him, they will be against you.
But have confidence! Courage, my Son Jesus has won the world, and you, in the same way, will suffer and win!!! Do not be afraid, my dear children!!!
When this happens and you see, dear children, the whole world professing the blasphemous name, the name of the Antichrist; when you see marks, inscriptions; when you see a world census, the printer of this mark, you will know, My children, that the Hour of the Great Apostasy has come.
Run! Run, My children, to My Immaculate Heart, when the unknown light illuminates the Night!!! So I ask you, convert! convert!
This time that GOD has given me to be with you, with these My Messages, is the Time of Grace! My children, do not lose the Graces of My Heart! Convert!!! Convert!!! Convert!!!!
Thank you for the love you wish Me. Write this Message today, and spread it quickly. As I have already given a Message here to alert you, I now give this Second Message for the difficult times ahead.
I bless you, My children, with LOVE, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit. Remain in the peace of the Lord".