Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, September 7, 1995
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

My dear children. (pause) praise our Lord Jesus Christ!
(Marcos) "- Forever be praised!"
"- I invite you on this day, to raise your hands with me to the FATHER, and glorify Him.
(Note - Marcos): (Our Lady raised Her Hands to Heaven and began the Our Father's prayer, to which we all accompany Her)
"- Dear children, today with LOVE, I wish again to burn with the Grace of GOD, each one of you.
My little children, thank you! thank you for coming, today in great numbers. to My meeting.
Next time, dear children, bring more and more children so that Jesus can touch their hearts so that they can return to the path of LOVE.
My dear children, today I want to tell you about the sin of sensuality. O children, prostitution (pause) has taken over your land; the indecent and provocative fashion continues even today, My children, to condemn thousands and thousands of hearts.
Dear children, I desire to put my LOVE in your heart, my dear children, so that you can renounce. all and any kind of sin. As I have already told you: - SAY NO, SAY NO TO SIN, AND OPEN YOUR HEART TO GOD!
Today, My children, the number of souls that have gone to hell because of prostitution, homosexuality, more and more free, more scandalous (pause) and more depraved, more lost and more stained. is immense, My children.
Tears of Pain descend from My Eyes.(pause)
The lack of modesty, the lack of humility, the lack of posture, invaded the whole face of the earth. and I ask you, My children: - Do not invoke Me*, (pause) with indecent and scandalous clothes. * (in prayer)
This Place, is a Holy Place! and before GOD, respect is necessary! I tell you: - If you don't renounce and fight the evil and lost fashion of your time, I tell you, My children, diseases that eat away at the flesh will continue to spread, until annihilating it, like cancer and AIDS.
Men display their bodies as if they were gods, as if they were objects of worship themselves. That is why, My children, so many diseases have spread all over the world; because man has moved away from GOD.
If you want, My children, to put an end to the spread of evil, pray!
My Immaculate Heart desires a deep and intense prayer. My Immaculate Heart desires, dear children, that you return to my Lord. If you, My children, had heeded My requests that I have been asking of you for years, I tell you that the world would not be as lost as it is now.
GOD, Our FATHER, sometimes looks at the world, and YOUR EYES get extremely heavy. of Gross Tears.
My children, the evil (pause) that is in the heart of men is immense: violence, kidnapping, crimes, drugs, deaths (pause) that spread, that explode from all sides. My children, all this happens because you, (even) seeing the enemy's action in the world, do nothing to stop it!
The only way, My children, to stop the evil (pause) is through prayer.
ROSARY, My children, will be the weapon, the remedy given by GOD for the salvation of this century, this world.
To the ROSARY, I give all the Full Graces of my Heart!!!
Whoever wants to come to Me, or wants to come to Jesus. come! come My children! for the ROSARY. The prayer of the Rosary will give you the Strength, the Peace, the LOVE, that each one of you seeks.
You have been, My children, invited by Me for a long time to conversion, but, My children. you are still far from her, because her heart is hard! Open your hearts, My children!
Don't massacre anymore. the Heart of Jesus! don't pierce my Immaculate Heart anymore with the spear of your sins.
My children, I ask you to open your heart to GOD. Soon, before this century ends, the TRIUMPH OF MY HEART will come. You will see, My children, the KINGDOM of My Immaculate Heart, coming from Jesus. of Peace and LOVE, descending on earth. because the evil and perverted things of before will be over.
Yes, My children, LOVE WILL COME!
LOVE is already RETURNING to each one of you! You will never again hear of prostitution, you will never hear of theft, or death, because everything and everyone will LOVE GOD. for the Holy Spirit will descend, at a Second World Pentecost, in order to purify the whole face of the earth, consume it, burn it with YOUR FIRE of LOVE. and give it a New LIFE, the Celestial LIFE, the LIFE of GOD!!
Wait in GOD!!! Pray, trust and wait!!! I am your Mother, and you LOVE!!!
EUCHARISTY is the Miracle of GOD's LOVE. Seek Jesus in the Eucharist, my sweet and dear children.
I am like a Blessed Bridge that leads you to GOD. You can choose between the Bridge, or swim across the river. Even if you see the Bridge, if you want to swim across the river, you can do it, but. the dangers will be greater; the risks will be greater. you may sink, and not reach GOD.
Everyone who comes by Me, My children, comes to Jesus more quickly! I am this Bridge that shows you the Way of Jesus, that leads you to Jesus!
Come to Me, My Heart is full of Mercy to each one of you! I, your Mother, give you Peace!
Today you have seen the Sign of the Sun, as, my dear children, proof of my Affection and LOVE for you.
I showed you the Eucharist in the sun to tell you: ADORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT! Communicate! Communicate! Communicate with immense LOVE! Go back to Communion, My children, if possible every day, when you can; it will be the greatest joy for My Heart. and confess yourself every month.
Soon, very soon, right here in this Place, the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart will be established, and all men will know my LOVE.
Here, My children, is the Place of PEACE! is the place where My Immaculate Heart comes down to meet you, to console you, to help you, to purify you, to convert you. to fill you with LOVE.
I LOVE you, children! and I give you my Heart and my Blessing, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"-My Children!(pause) My Children!(pause) I AM THE IRRESISTIBLE!!! (pause)
Oh, children! My Sacred Heart, extremely in love with you, decided to come down here today to meet you.
I am sick of LOVE for you! I am, My children, conquered by your heart! From the bowels of My Sacred Heart, let BLOOD and WATER gush forth, as the Source of Mercy to you all.
My ardent gaze pervades the heart of all here; none of you, little children, is strange to Me, for I AM your GOD, and I know. even all the molecules of your organism, for I have woven them myself.
Still, My children, that you would have been able to measure the whole extent of the oceans together, you would not have been able to measure a single thousandth of what is the LOVE of My Sacred Heart for all of you!(pause)
Even if you had, little children, managed to count all the stars in Heaven, you wouldn't have counted the care I have for each one of you, but. children, My LOVE is often betrayed. With your sin. you, again, pierce My Heart with a hard spear, like once on Calvary.
(You again pierce My Heart) with your disbelief. like Martha and Mary. that when arriving in the city to see Lazarus, who was already dead, Mary (from the beginning) adored Me with her heart. Martha (however) said: - Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died! And then, when I asked to go to the tomb, Martha (as if to oppose her) said: - No, Lord; it stinks already, he has been dead for four days!
Then, I saw that Martha had said a credo out of her mouth, for (before) I had (already) asked her: - Martha, do you believe that even if your brother is dead, he will live? and (then, at that hour,) his belief was not true.
So I, (full of LOVE and Mercy,) returning to her again, asked: - Martha, didn't I tell you that if you believe, everyone who is dead will live? Do you believe this? And then she, adoring Me ineffably, (recognized Me as GOD and Lord, and) said: -I believe, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ commanded by GOD!
Then, I called Lazarus out, risen, to the Glory of my FATHER!
You too, My children, beware of not saying I believe, but. without truly giving Your heart to Me for the CONVERSION.
It will not help to say: - Lord! Lord! Lord! for you will not enter my kingdom. Only those who do the Will of my FATHER, will enter my KINGDOM!
And you, My children, who seek My Face, (pause) I to all desire, at this moment, to pierce, perforate and penetrate. with My Mercy.
(pause) as I asked: - Zacchaeus, come down, for today I must stay in your house. Today, my children, I say to you: - Children, come quickly; today I must stay in your heart's house; may I go with your heart to your families!
Little children, what I said to the Samaritan woman, I say to you again! She, who was leading a life. and thought she was happy, but... I said no! The pleasure, the husband you have, is not yours! for only I, my children, AM your LIFE! and only in ME will you find ALEGRIA, you will find FORCE!
I LOVE you, My children, with all My Sacred Heart!
In EUCARISTY, I conserve nothing more from My Heart to ME. I give My Flesh, I give My BLOOD, to each one of you, as True Food, and True Drink.
OH! What most enchants My Sacred Heart. are the CONFESSIONS! How wonderful it is, little children, to see you embracing each other with Me, making peace with Me! Come! Make peace with me in Confession.
Be a COMMON! Be a COMMON and the FATHER! May your hearts beat only for ME! May your mouth proclaim only ME! May your hands serve only ME, my KINGDOM!
Whoever suffers for My LOVE here on earth, will be taken by Me, and will have a place in My Home, in Heaven.
Today I tell you: - If you want to harvest a River of Mercy every day, come to ME, not with empty hands to harvest, because in the shell of your hands, all the Water of My Holy Spirit will leak out, and it will be of no use. Come to Myself with the Chalice!
And today I reveal to you: - This Goblet is My MOTHER'S ROSARY! He who comes to ME, after praying the Rosary of my MOTHER, reaps an overflowing cup of my Mercy, while those who do not pray the Rosary of my MOTHER receive but very little, almost nothing.
Therefore, My children, come with the ROSARY, and bring Me into the chalice of the Rosary, so that I too may overflow with My Spirit, the Holy Father, the Pope, My Peter, John Paul II, whom I have prepared and formed in TRUTH, to be the Pope of these last times; to be the one who stops the rebellion, ready to explode upon My Holy House. which is My Holy Church.
There is so much revolt in your hearts against My Church! You criticize My Priests, you criticize My people! O children, humility! My Holy Church is Holy! and I have conquered it with My Flesh and My BLOOD, immolated in the Cross.
And you who persecute and kill My Prophets, the Prophets of My MOTHER, know that the TIME of MY JUSTICE about the infidels, is coming. He who does not pass through the lap of My Mercy, will have to pass through the heel of My Justice.
Therefore, I have heard the calls of My MOTHER!!! hear My calls!!! for I am here, O children, full of Mercy, to you all.
Keep seeking Me with all your heart; keep letting Me act in you, until I LIVE entirely for you; for I AM Jesus, your GOD, your Savior, and your KING!
And you, My children, who love to satisfy your vanities so much. I have had in My Head, as a Crown, thorns. The adornment of My Hair, BLOOD.(pause) The softening of My Skin, lashings.(pause)
I, who had My Body torn apart by you. My Meat, hanging by the Skins (pause) of My Body, on the way to Calvary. and today, you forgot that My Cross was the price of your SALVATION.
Come back to ME, generation!!! Generation, which has become worse than snakes!
I sent My MOTHER to this unbelieving generation, and all those who work with the enemy, try to bite her on the heel. My MOTHER WILL COME, and the TRIUMPH OF HIS HEART will happen. because My SACRED HEART has granted My Holy MOTHER (pause) the Mission of PEACE.
And now I, Jesus, the Lamb of GOD, bless you and say: - Pray for Ecclesiae! Pray for Ecclesiae! Pray for the Church, which is Ecclesiae*. Pray!
* (Ecclesiae - Latin term for the word Church)
And I bless you with the Blessing of my FATHER. with the Blessing of my Sacred Heart. and the Blessing of my Holy Spirit.
May Peace be with you!"
(Note - Marcos): (There was also a short passage of this Message that continued from this point on, but was omitted, because it is a particular Message, and concerns only the people for whom it was meant)