Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, August 22, 1995
Message of Our Lady

First Apparition of this dayThank you My children, for the declaration of LOVE delivered today in My Mother Hands. I will take you to GOD so that He too may smile and rejoice for my Feast.
Exactly today, My dear children, I was crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth.
I am the Mother of each one of you! I am the Mother and Queen of this family! I call you to my Heart as Queen of the Church, and Queen of the whole World.
I want to give special thanks for those who come every Monday with great perseverance and humility, walking here beside me.
I cannot help but say that I was sad for those who have turned away from Me. My children, I have confidence that GOD will return them to me soon. Invite us again, this is the Request I make today.
Each of you remembers the brother who was by your side a year ago and who is no longer coming today. Invite them, give them your love, pray, intercede so that they will open their hearts in time! GOD is still granting great Mercy, while Time does not run out. and how much I beseech Him, with Tears of BLOOD, that He may wait for the world to convert!
Thank GOD with me, little children, for allowing Me to stay here so long with you, and today is not goodbye! I will still come many times in the midst of you here, every Monday, to give My Messages.
I am persevering, I am tireless, I am, dear children, the Mother who never leaves Her children abandoned. and I will continue to come, until My Lord's Plan is realized in this family, and is realized in every heart.
Many have been healed during the year, and other healings will begin to take place in this Second Part of My Plan, to which We are already journeying.
Continue to pray and come here every Monday. This group will also be a very strong intercession to ask the Holy Spirit of GOD, so that this group may also be like the Great Bomb of my Immaculate Heart, which I want to cast into the hard and cold hearts, calling them to GOD.
Everyone must obey the Messages that GOD has commanded me to bring to them, and the Message is this: - May you all, as you leave here, form prayer groups everywhere!
Many, after a year, have done nothing! That is why, My children, there is no more time! no more time! no more time! If you lose a single second, the damage will be tremendous! and GOD searches your hearts. He knows them, and He knows the possibility of each one, and if GOD has commanded them to do it, it is because He knows that they can do it, but. you pray little, and that is why sin continues so much. this way.
If since last year you had obeyed My Messages, not only My Immaculate Conception Parish, but also this whole city, you would be much better off, towards GOD.
Many souls have continued to condemn themselves, because there is no one to go in search of them! Because there are not those who take My Messages, because there are not those who, with perseverance, visit the families, especially the farthest away, especially the unbelieving families, who do not participate in Mass and who live in discord.
Hate sees no one and sees nothing. The enemy hates you, because you heed my messages! He tries in every way he can, to devour their hearts and separate them from Me. Through many things, even the smallest ones he penetrates, trying to confuse their hearts. We repilate the enemy together through prayer, fasting to bread and water that I asked them to do every week, a life of communion and frequent confession, and also, above all, true obedience to the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II.
Dear children, while I remain here with you, giving you classes of Holiness in this Faculty of my Immaculate Heart every Monday, I wish, my dear children, that you understand that when the most decisive and painful hour comes, you must already be formed, ready, educated to live as children of GOD, to spread LOVE on Earth.
I desire to form you, and the students who do not reach ten with Me, will not be able to be approved, when the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart comes. when they are left* in MY HEART, so that they will once again populate the land of LOVE.
* (Note - Marcos): (Our Lady refers to the number of those who remain faithful in Her Immaculate Heart, of those who entered the ARCA of Her Immaculate Heart, of those who entered the Safe Haven of Her Immaculate Heart, and we know how to enter: it is necessary to fulfill faithfully, with love and for love, all the requests of Our Virgin Mother of LOVE)
Therefore, My children, if there is still some virtue lacking in you to perfect, apply yourselves more in the School of Holiness of My Immaculate Heart, meditating on My Messages, living My Messages, spreading My Messages, so that as soon as possible My Lord may TRIUMPH.
I bless them, and I continue to ask them to come every Monday to meet me. (pause) I bless them in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit. Remain in the Peace of the Lord.
I love you with all my heart! Remain in prayer too. I gather your hearts, and give them this day to GOD".
Second Apparition
"- Dear children, tonight, My Maternal Eyes rest on each one of you. I look at you with LOVE, I look at you with immense sweetness.
I want to give you, dear children, Peace, but. Peace can only sprout when there is a true and sincere desire for conversion. Without conversion, there is no Peace.
Dear children, make peace with me! I will lead you to make peace with GOD the FATHER!
Abandon all lies, all hypocrisy, all presumption, all pride, which are things that displease GOD.
Aspire to humility! May your dream be to be the servants of all, those who serve all, with love and humility, with docility and with smallness of heart. A heart that is simple and humble has much humility not only for itself but. to teach it to others, to communicate it to its brothers.
A heart that prays, must be like a mirror, where GOD reflects Himself with all LOVE. So, My children, pray, pray! In prayer you will feel the LOVE of GOD! In prayer you will understand how GOOD is GOOD! In prayer you will have Peace of heart.
Prayer is the Key that opens like a Safe of Treasures, which are the VIRTUES of the Holy Spirit, with which HE wants to give, with which HE wants to fill their souls with HIS Gifts and HIS Graces! Happy the Son, who, through prayer, opens the Vault of the Holy Spirit! He will never lack the food of GOD's Grace!
I bless you with LOVE, with My Peace, as I came here. Lady of Peace. I bless you all with the Grace of the Holy Spirit and with YOUR VIRTUE, in the Name of the Father. in the Name of the Son. and in the Name of the Holy Spirit".