Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, August 1, 1995
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today my Immaculate Heart rejoices with you and all the little beings of GOD rejoice at my side!
Dear children, today the Holy Siege of Jericho begins once again! Live this Holy time with much prayer, with much humility, My children, with much LOVE and with much affection!
You, My children, must understand and feel how much My Heart is in love with you! I am, little children, your True Mother, and my Immaculate Heart will always be your home and your dwelling place.
Prepare for My Feast with much prayer! I myself will invite you one by one to the Birthday Party that Jesus is going to give me. Take care, children, so that the festive costume is in you, that the Grace of GOD is in your hearts, so that you can enter My party and eat at least some of My birthday cake, which will be very big Graces that I will give you in these three happy days that we will celebrate together!
Whoever does not have the clothes, the costume of GOD's Grace, will not be able to be accepted in the feast of my Heart. He will receive less Grace, because the heart will be closed and hard for Me.
Prepare yourselves, children, put on the costume of the feast for prayer, for sacrifice, for opening your hearts to Me! and continue praying the Holy Rosary every day. The Rosary, children, will make you whiter than snow, it will purify you, and it will be this and the vestment that everyone should have so that they receive My Graces!
They were happy because the Image will come, I am also very happy! In truth, this Image will be a facsimile copy of My Immaculate Heart, it will be a replica of My Tenderness. and all those who look at it will feel My IRRESISTIBLE LOVE.
Praise GOD the Father with me for this Grace that is realized! Continue to pray for the realization of all that, all the Plans that I have outlined. Tomorrow we meet again here and I want, My children, to speak again to the heart.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Remain in the Peace of the Lord".