Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, July 27, 1995
Message of Our Lady

My children, you know that I LOVE you all my Heart, you know that I am always ready to help you! Come to me by prayer, so that you may know my LOVE.
My Heart is full of desire to give you Peace! Accept My Peace with LOVE, and continue praying the Holy Rosary every day for PEACE.
One day you will understand why so much I asked this of you.
I am the Queen of Peace, and I want you, with me, to pray for Peace, and spread My Peace to this world without Peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit. (pause) Stay in PEACE!"
Second Apparition
Message given at night, in another city
Message of Our Lady
"- Open Yourself with My LOVE! I am with you at your side!"
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- I AM THE IRRESISTIBLE!!!(pause) Dear Ones, open your hearts to Me! I want to enter!!!
Do not resist anymore! Abandon yourselves in My Arms, for I AM YOUR GOD, your Good Shepherd!
My Irresistible LOVE for you is very Great, it is IMMENSE! That is why I speak to you with Infinite Mercy!
Still, My little ones, that you would have measured the entire length of the Oceans, to its ends, you would not have measured a single thousandth of My IRRESISTIBLE LOVE. of My Sacred Heart.
Let Me now pierce your hearts with My POWER, that you may worship Me with all your heart! I want to take the crusts of sin from your heart, to purify them and make them pleasant to ME!
Pray! Pray!
I AM the Alpha and the Omega! The Beginning and the End! I AM the Ever Eternal GOD, who LOVES you from all the Heart!
I AM Jesus - LOVE!!! .
I AM Jesus - LOVE!
I AM Jesus - LOVE!
I have more than BIG graces of LOVE to give you! I have INFINITE Graces of LOVE for all of you! Even if you could count all the stars in Heaven, you would not have been able to count and understand just one of My Blessings that I want to give you!
Let Me print out at this moment My Kiss of LOVE in you, in your heart, so that My INFINITE Mercy can fill you.
LOVE YOU with Passion!! I LOVE you, my dear children!!! I love you, my dear children!!! I want you!!! I want you! I want you!
I want you to give me your whole heart, I want you to give me your life! Give Me especially my poor sinful children, because like the daughter of Jairus, who slept in death and I brought her to life, so too, intercede for My children, for I want to save them!
Seek prayer!
While I was at Martha and Mary's house, Mary preferred Prayer and listened to Me, while Martha, exaggerated in her concerns, did not take advantage of My WORD.
I told her: Martha, Martha, you are worried about many things, but only one is necessary!
You too, My little children, do not let yourselves be precipitated into the abyss of unrest and lack of Peace! Surrender yourselves to My Arms, they are sweeter than the honeycomb, and you will find rest for your souls in Me!
I seek you all!!! I desire to give Peace to all!!! To all I wish to save with My DIVINE Mercy!
The world has turned away from Myself, and walks in perdition and sin! Everyone wants to bet on Me and live ignoring Me, as if I did not exist, or as if I were nothing! O My children, open your hearts to My Grace!!! let My Grace act in you, let it be your LIGHT forever!!!
I and My MOTHER cry out for you to pray! If you had heeded OUR calls, Peace would be with you, but. you pray little, and that is why Peace has departed from you!
If My people really loved Me, they would pray more, they would seek Me more from their hearts.
Be converted! Convert yourselves! Change your life! Change your life! Return to My Heavenly FATHER, through ME!!! Listen to the call of My Holy Mother!!!! HER LOVES you so much, and wants you so much! Open your heart to My MOTHER!
Every day, I have a LIVING WATER river for you! If you want to drink every day of the WATER that gives LIFE, that saves, that rises, that gives the Holy Spirit, come to ME. with a cup to receive her!
Like the Jordan River, it will be for you a baptism in the Holy Spirit, it will be a renewal and a burning in my Heart! And the chalice, with which I want you to come to seek my graces, dear children, is the Rosary of my MOTHER!
Pray the Rosary, my dear children!!! Those who come to Myself to receive the Graces, but without having prayed the Rosary, receive My Holy Spirit, but. very little, because the Graces escape through their fingers, like water running down the hollow of their hands.
Those who come to ME for the prayer of the Rosary are My blessed children: - To these I give an overflowing cup of Grace, for them and for their brothers! Fill your cup for the Rosary, and go in search of your brothers!
You who are fathers and mothers, I know very well that if you had fivey children, and if only one risked being lost, you would give yourself in his place, but you would not give that son. So too, I want to save all my children, I don't want to lose just one! If necessary, I will create Universes in return, but I will not lose My children!
I want you at all costs, My dear children! I want you!
I, who created man, in union with my FATHER and my Spirit, who gave you so much beauty and so many Graces, I am despised and abandoned by you.
Today, man has created wings, and comes and goes where he wants, and in most families and hearts, I cannot enter! How hard, My children, you give to My Heart! Open, children, your hearts to My LOVE!
I, children, who did not get any part of My Sacred BODY without wounds, was I CHAGA VIVA, from the top of my feet to my head. I who had My Flesh quartered by the lashings, who had My Sacred HEART divided in half by the hard spear, I gave you all My BLOOD, and I gave you WATER, who gave you all My LOVE, who until the end I SHEVED you, and you stepped on My LOVE, you despised My call! So, as I have given you everything, I give you now, My Tears of LOVE! (Jesus cries)
Look at my servant, my beloved Marcos of my Passion. the tears he sheds are my tears!
I want you! I Want You! I Want You! I feel LOVE for you! O my children, worship me again in the Eucharist! I am so esophical! Come and adore Me! I will save you!
Rejoice, because your liberation is near!
I bless you in the name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit! (pause) Peace be with you!".
Message of Our Lady
"- Dear children, today once again I, your Holy Mother, desire to place you all in my Immaculate Heart and bless you, showing you the way that leads to GOD.
My dear children, my Mission is to take you all to the Arms of Jesus. Jesus wants to touch you, heal you, and give you True LOVE, and make you mirrors of His LOVE. Dear children, I wish that your heart belongs to My Lord, and that your whole being is HE.
With much LOVE, My Immaculate Heart burns with LOVE for all! Pure LOVE! Mother's LOVE!
If you promise Me tonight that you will abandon for good the rotten and filthy novels you watch, if you renounce the drunkenness, the nights, I will give you very big Blessings, which until now you have not received, because you do not leave these vices!
They will be so many Graces, my dear children, that they won't even finish receiving one Grace, they will already be receiving another!
Every father likes to receive gifts from his children. If you want to know, children, what is the gift that our FATHER in Heaven finds most beautiful and that he likes the most, I will tell you now: - Masses! Masses! Masses! Many Holy Masses!
I wish that your hearts are always eager, longing for Holy Mass! Wish her to begin, long for her! She is the greatest gift that FATHER wants to receive from you!!!
I want to teach you to pray! Come to Holy Mass already praying the Lord's Prayer, in the silence of your heart. talk to Him on the way, don't play or laugh before Mass, but. ask Him to help you with His Grace!
I want to give you the prayer to be prayed before Holy Mass! It is a prayer to my heart, call to me, and I will come! Delight yourselves with every word of it. like an egota of melf, let them slide into your hearts with LOVE:
"O Mary, my Good Mother, penetrate me, embrace me, touch me, guide me, enlighten me, pray with me.
Together with you, O Mother,
Our Mass will be Paradise. Amen".
Pray like this! My Immaculate Heart is attentive to the call. If you pray like this, you will see that the Mass will be a Blessing, and you will feel, that SOMEONE who loves you, prays kneeling beside you!
Thank you for answering yes to My call! Take this Message as soon as possible to everyone! I wish it, I wish it GOD, through Me!
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".