Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, July 24, 1995
Message of Our Lady

I wish to speak to your hearts. I desire, My children, to put you all on My knees, as every mother does when counseling and supporting her child. I want to put you on My Knees, and teach you to LOVE GOD!
I want, children, to communicate to you that the time is near! Your liberation is coming, but. I still have the need for the conversion of your hearts. The bloodiest and most painful hours are yet to come! Many will lose faith with what is to come.
Many foams will form in the sea, and much of the earth will be destroyed and submerged when the Hour of JUSTICE for sinners comes.
Children, my pain is immense, because I see and eye them behaving like fools, not accepting my messages and the warnings of GOD. Even he who would not accept My warnings with love should at least listen to the WORD OF GOD. All that I Warn is written in Sacred Scripture, but. dear children, your hearts still remain hard and unbelieving, indifferent to My VOICE.
What a pain to my heart!!! (here she interrupts and cries.)
Oh, what a pain I find myself with! I am between two swords!
On one side the madness of men in not welcoming GOD, in rejecting all My Invitations, in denying My Messages. My Signs! On the other hand, I see your time becoming more and more scarce, now I am holding on by a thread!
O children, I find myself between these two painful swords, not knowing how to do, what else to do for your salvation!
I asked to borrow your hands, so that I might bring you all My Blessing. I asked them to lend Me their feet, so that My Messages might reach everywhere. I asked them to lend Me their lips so that My Messages could be transmitted, so that they could take My LOVE to everyone, but. their hardness of heart is so great that they didn't want to listen to Me. Each one of them is still bogged down in their laziness, in their indifference and in their growing disaffection.
O children, do not be accomplices like in Sodom and Gomorrah! like those who were very few, because all that city sinned and was totally lost, but there was one or another who was not, but. agreed with the sin! (Think!) Only the servant of GOD, Lot, was saved from the catastrophe.
Do not be accomplices of sin, do not allow the spread of wickedness anymore! Let no more, dear children, let the world continue to sink into the abyss of hatred and perdition, react with me, children!!! Hold on to My Rosary! Pray to Him! Bend your knees! Ask for Mercy from GOD, for only he who in adoration begs GOD, with his heart bowed before HIM, can still obtain Mercy from the Lord!
Men have become violent, bold, they laugh at GOD. Some go to church just to mock the faith and the things of my Jesus. Others take advantage of Me, so that they can spread lies and error.
(Note - Marcos): (The Blessed Virgin referred here to the false apparitions, which exist in great numbers today, destined to throw confusion and discredit on souls regarding the true Apparitions)
But. I, my children, still need your prayers! Do not listen to those who say not to pray, pray! The world will be saved, not by speeches, but... by prayer.
The peace of the world will come, but not by presidents, but by prayer, by faith. Where Faith is, there is Peace. Where there is no Faith, there is no Peace.
I ask everyone, all My children, to open their hearts to Me and listen attentively to My Desire, which I want to express to you today. Go to Holy Mass this week, participate in three Masses in a row, and offer them to St. Michael the Archangel, so that together with Me, we may precipate the dragon in the abyss, so that the chains may fall from many of My children whom He has succeeded in enslaving. He, as I have already told you in another Message, is furious around him, roaring like a lion, trying to devour his heart.
I need you to give to the Eternal Father the BODY, BLOOD, ALMA and DIVINE, all POWER. the BODY and BLOOD of my Son Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament. May you do these three days of reparation, taking communion and offering to the Eternal Father, so that He may still pour Mercy on you.
You will see that many blessings that are blocked, can happen, and that the hearts of My poor children, in all parts of the world, will be freed by Me. I promise you that I will travel the world in these three days to free My children, those most in danger of condemnation.
Little children, I ask you, join Me in intercession.
Pray for my first beloved son, the Holy Pope John Paul II, listen to what my beloved says! Listen to what He says in these times: "These are the days of the eyes raised to Mary! Obey the Shepherd who says: "Welcome all that you see in the Messages of Our Lady! Welcome what the Shepherd says! The Voice of John Paul II is the Voice of Christ, who says: "Listen to my MOTHER!
Listen to My BRADO! Listen to the cry of despair that I cast from my Immaculate Heart, because my Heart, crushed with pain, no longer knows what to do for its salvation.
My children, I love you all, I love you all. I wish to place everyone in my Immaculate Heart, but. many are cold and do not believe in my Messages. Many do not receive My requests, and do not live My God's WISHES.
I ask you, my dear children, to believe as if you were seeing Me, and to love Me as if you were in my neck. Put your hearts in the HANDS of Jesus, my dear children!
The time of conversion is over, and it is now time to open your hearts. When you see a light illuminate the night, know that it is the TIME of GOD's JUSTICE. Know, my children, that the time of conversion is over. This is the SIGN, one of the confirmations I will leave you. Know that the TIME has come, hurry up your conversion! Keep praying the Rosary every day.
The Punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah will be as if nothing, before what awaits the wicked and evil sinners! but. as I have already said, he who professes complete trust in me, through the prayer of the Holy Rosary every day, especially that of the Eucharist and that of Peace, will be assured, not only of his own salvation, but of that of his family and of all those you love, and of the enemies who hate you.
Pray for your enemies, for I want to save them too.
This is the HOUR of the whole Church, of all My children, to enter and remain under My Cloak, in the Safe Hall of My Immaculate Heart.
I bless you in the Name of the Father. in the Name of the Son. and in the Name of the Holy Spirit."