Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 22, 1995
Message of Our Lady

Peace! I thank you for all the love of your hearts! Open the door of your hearts to Me!
Today, dear children, I want to give you again my LOVE and my Mercy. I want, dear children, to make you feel more and more My sweet and immense Mother LOVE.
Pray, dear children, don't look at others and don't criticize them, but let Me transform your hearts!
Pray for Pope John Paul II! I want, My children, to purify you with LOVE, and My beloved son needs prayers!
Listen carefully to My desires: - Pray the Rosary every day, as I have asked you countless times, but. My children, still do not answer My calls. Do penance!! for the world is going through a dark darkness of lack of faith. Let Me, My children, transform your hearts, let Me fill your hearts with My LOVE.
Dear children, I wish that your heart be always in My Hands. Satan is strong, and keeps trying to get in the way of My Plans! As I said before, like an angry lion, he roars around you, trying to devour your hearts.
Don't let him succeed, dear children! Destroy the enemy with me through prayer, penance, fasting, above all! Those who do not fast are very weak before him.
Certain kinds of evils can only be expelled with fasting, and the best is bread and water, with nothing else, as I asked them.
Do it, children, by defeating him with the weapon I gave you, the Rosary!
Be always in Communion with Jesus in the Eucharist, and He will give you the Strength of the FATHER, so that you can overcome all difficulties with courage and joy!
As I said in Fatima in 1917, I say again now: "If you do not heed My requests, the Wars will spread throughout the world, and various nations will disappear from the face of the earth! The heavenly forces will be shaken! There will be destruction everywhere if they do not convert and return to GOD!
If My requests are heeded, then my Immaculate Heart will TRIUMPHARY, and come to PEACE.
Give me your hands, help me in the salvation of the world. Abandon yourselves, O children, in My arms. Do not be afraid! I am at your side, and I will protect you. To those who pray, nothing will touch.
My children, sin spreads like a pernicious disease, spreading error and death in all directions. How many thousands of My poor children who have abandoned Me, who have strayed from My Heart, by the bad examples that television gives, by prostitution and pornography, increasingly desired, more exalted, and more applauded. by the violence that explodes from all sides; by the false sects that pluck My children from My Holy Catholic Church, deceiving them and giving them perdition for reward.
O children, how much Jesus in the Eucharist is abandoned by you! Come back, My children, there is still time! GOD is still with open arms waiting for you, but... be converted sincerely! May your conversion be sincere!! for no one deceives Me.
Live with all humility the Messages that until today I have given you! If you live My Messages, My children, you will take one more step each day towards Heaven, which awaits you. and you will be, more and more, within the depths of My Immaculate Heart, where I, your Mother, want to keep you with LOVE.
Continue praying the Holy Rosary every day. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I LOVE you, I LOVE you with all my Mother Heart! Stay in the Peace of my Lord. (pause)
I send you a kiss of LOVE. I will pray for you in Heaven, My children".