Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, July 20, 1995
Message of Our Lady

My dear children, to all of you tonight I want to bless with LOVE. My Rosary, dear children, hangs for you as a Sign of LOVE and Salvation! Hold on, children, to My Rosary and don't let go of it at any time!!!
I want you to understand, my little ones, that without prayer, especially Mass and the Rosary, you are easily removed from my Immaculate Heart!
Do not allow, My children, that the enemy throw dust in your eyes, to blind you and prevent you from seeing My LOVE, but. dear children, open the door of your hearts to Me.
I am your Mother! I am tireless! I will never tire of waiting for your conversion, and of asking you to open the doors of your hearts to Me.
My Messages, My WORDS. are the greatest gift I can give them of GOD. Happy are those who listen to My Messages with LOVE!
I want to teach them to listen to Me with LOVE; to live My desires with LOVE; to convert themselves with LOVE; to seek and surrender themselves in the Arms of GOD with LOVE!
I am the Mother of LOVE! I AM the Mother who has the affliction of seeing thousands and thousands of My poor children living and dying in mortal sin, and irredeemably condemning themselves to the fire of hell.
Children, I have to endure the martyrdom of seeing My children go into the rains to hell every day because you pray little. because you don't ask for souls! because you don't fast enough to help Me.
Be converted, children! Convert! Help Me save the world!
Give Me your feet, so that the Messages may reach all paths! Give Me your hands, so that I may still save and help My children! Give Me your mouths, so that I may announce the TRUTH and My Messages! Give Me your minds that I may fill them with LIGHT and spread the WISDOM of the Holy Spirit over all hearts!
Give Me your hearts so that they may be My home! I want to live in the hearts, little children, as I once lived in my little house in Nazareth. My little house was simple, it was humble, there was nothing luxurious or ostentatious.
In my hearts, children, I want the same thing. Much simplicity, much humility, much generosity, that's what I like most! Ready, children, the little house of your heart, invite Me to live, and I will come with My move from Heaven, I will come with the Holy Angels, I will come with My Graces, I will come with My Blessings, I will come with My LOVE, and I will live in your heart.
Strive, strive to live in Holiness! I want to teach you and help you to live in Holiness, so that you will be with me happy in Heaven, where I, every day, pray for you and prepare My Colo for your arrival.
Do not lose, My children, My Colo with sin! Do not separate yourselves from Me! Live a life full of LOVE! that's what I want, little children, to say tonight. Don't be afraid! Do not be afraid in your difficulties, in your trials, I will help you, I will help you, I will give you Peace!
Today, I print My Royal Sign on the foreheads of all My children who are here at this moment. You, the children, are now inscribed by Jesus with His most precious BLOOD in the Eternal Book of Life. the Book where the names of those who are saved are.
I cover them, and I cover ( . ) their homes with my LOVE, with my Blessing, and to all. in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
Stay in the PEACE of the Lord. A kiss to all of you!"