Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, July 14, 1995
Message of Our Lady

First Apparition of this Day
"- My dear ones, thank you to all those who have come, attending to the call of my Immaculate Heart. Dear children, my Immaculate Heart is Sweet, and today I pour this My Sweetness into all your hearts.
Little children, do not be afraid, little children, I am with you! I am beside the cross that each of my children carries. You are never alone! I love you! I love you! I love you!
I offer my Immaculate Heart to all of you, to keep you in Him, at this moment. Know, my little children, that I am always with you. Even if it is difficult, do not feel My Presence, do not lose heart, little children, never stop praying, because in prayer you will feel My Presence, you will feel that My Immaculate Heart is very close to you!
Let me, my children, now strengthen the bonds that unite my Immaculate Heart to yours, so that my Heart is glued to yours, so that my Flame of LOVE opens your hearts and consumes them entirely with LOVE.
That where there is no LOVE, take My LOVE, dear children!
That where there is hatred and rancor, take My LIGHT!
To all those who pray and live my messages with LOVE, I promise my special and very strong protection in life. and at the decisive hour of death, you will be perfumed by my presence as Mother, and I myself will take each one of you, my little children, by the hand, and take you with me to Heaven!
Pray, My children, continue praying, I liked your prayer. Pray with your hearts and today, my children, Tears of Gold descend from my eyes, of extreme happiness for you, for having prayed with so much affection and for having received me with such humility.
My Immaculate Heart is moved before you, and I this evening mark you all with my Sign. This Sign, which is printed on the foreheads of those who have their name inscribed in the Book of Life, and who will be saved by Me, even after the GREAT PURIFICATION that the world will soon pass.
Serious sufferings, serious conflicts approach the earth, My dear children. Many may get lost in what is to come, but. you who are marked by Me at this moment, are introduced and kept in the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart, and you will have all the graces you need for the salvation of each one of you, and of your families.
I bless you with all my LOVE. Thank you, my little children, for your prayers and for all your affection. I am the Mother of LOVE.
I bless you all with my peace in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Dear son Marcos, let me beat you! Allow me to enter now into the house of your heart, and let me do wonders in it!
Dearest! Listen to My VOICE who calls for you, who yearns for you, who desires for you!! and who wants to teach you to LOVE ME.
As a True Prophet, go, and announce to all that My Return, the Return of LOVE!! is imminent.
I take you, with all your misery, with all your weakness, with all the nothingness that you are, and I want to instill a new heart in you!! a new LOVE in your soul. And exactly because you are the weakest and most miserable!! I will cumulate you with My Grace.
This is the prophecy that I want you to announce:
I LOVE you!!! I LOVE you!!!
Go and proclaim this Newness to all hearts! I will go well with you, and I will give you My Hand, to hold you in it. My Hand is always resting on your head, so that wherever you are, I will be, and My Holy Spirit will be present, to fill the hearts of My poor children of LOVE!
I LOVE you, Marcos of My Passion, and My Sacred Heart longed for yours, and now, I want to dwell in you! Let Me tighten the Ties that unite your heart to Mine, now, so that they are glued to each other, and so that My Burning Flames consume and burn yours!
Let LOVE LOVE you and burn now!(pause)
I AM Jesus LOVE! (pause)
I have my DIVINE Project about you, and I want to make it come true in your heart! I pour Drops of My Most Holy Bleeding into your heart to quench your thirst.
Fear not! Go ahead! My Most Holy Heart will tear and dispel the darkness that comes your way, and destroy the snares before you.
See the Immaculate Heart of My MOTHER: - He will cover you, and will cover you with LOVE!
O, how much my MOTHER LOVES you, my chosen one!
Glorify Me! LOVE ME! Open your heart to Me! I want to produce in you deep desires of Holiness and LOVE!
Take My Spirit to all hearts!
The Immaculate Heart of My MOTHER is the Ark of the Covenant, which will lead you to the Safe Haven of My Most Sacred Heart, but first cast the nets to catch all the fishes that must be gathered in the Bark of My MOTHER's Heart, so that they may be saved and guarded by ME!
This is your mission, My Son: - To fish, to call to My Heart all My little children!
Dive into the depths of My Heart! I have chosen you and put My SECRETS and the Confidences of My MOTHER in the innermost depths of your heart.
Pray deeply and give yourself to My MOTHER'S HEART!! who wants to bless you.
I will save everyone who listens to me through you!
It is not necessary that you convince anyone! I ask that you just speak. Whoever has ears to hear you, listen.
Happy are those who attend to My MOTHER and My HEART! They will be caught up in the depths of OUR HEART. by LOVE!
(from here, the Message becomes public)
O my children, be filled with LOVE! Open your hearts to My LOVE!
I call you! I invite you! Come to ME, I want to fill you with LOVE and Sweetness!
I bless you with LOVE and Grace".