Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, June 7, 1995
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children. A Kiss from the Mother in Heaven to all of you at this moment. Thank you very much, dear children, for all those who have come once again to console my Mother's Heart, and console the Heart of Jesus.
Dear children, praise GOD with Me and thank Him! He who allowed Me to appear here for so long, and stay with you, My children, to give you My LOVE, to give you Peace, to give you Grace, to give you all the Mercy of the Lord.
I LOVE you! I LOVE them! I LOVE them! I love you infinitely, dear children, and I ask only one thing of you: - That you turn your hearts to Jesus, so that HE, dear children, may be praised by you, be adored by you, more and more.
Dear children, here, I will continue to appear for some time.
Why do I appear here?
Because I want to form you in LOVE, and lead you to my FATHER and FATHER's House. My Lord and Lord of you. My GOD and GOD of you.
Dear children, Jesus sent Me here so that I, with my Immaculate Heart full of LOVE, could transmit to you the Gifts of Presence and Strength of the Holy Spirit, so that you may live in Holiness, so that you may live in LOVE, so that you may live in the Grace of GOD.
Dear children, love everyone; do not hate anyone! Forgive everyone; have a word of Peace, of Faith, of LOVE, of Charity.
Also, My children, may you know how to speak all the languages of the world, interpret all the Mysteries of GOD, but if there were no Charity in you, it would be worth nothing, LOVE is the Greatest of Gifts!
See, dear children, the Charity and the LOVE of my Son that you must imitate! Your Meats were falling down the path of Calvary, because of the cruel Flagellation with which you had tortured Him! My Son Jesus was staggering; He couldn't bear to carry the Cross, because of all the BLOOD He spilled, but. it was all for LOVE! because He LOVED you all passionately!
Dear children, on the top of the Cross, already crucified, HE returns YOUR LOVE, already agonizing, weakened, to those who had crucified Him, and HE raises to the FATHER (pause) a Prayer full of Mercy, a prayer of forgiveness, remembered in all generations, and that before it, all of you recognize. how much GOD is LOVE and Mercy: FATHER, FORGIVE YOU, FOR YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU DO!
Jesus forgives everyone, My children, forgive all those who gave Him the Cross; forgive all those who, with their sins, continue to crucify Him, martyr Him, renew His Passion, with their sins.
I have cried Tears of BLOOD even in many places, but. many do not want to believe in My Warnings, in My Signs, that they may return to GOD. Right here, I have made Signs known to many, and many today ask for Signs from Me. I have already made the sun turn and change its color today, to show you that Jesus in the Eucharist, the Host that I showed you in the sun, may HE be your LIFE for you children, may HE be, dear children, the reason for your life and your walk!
Convert quickly!
My Son Jesus is already with the Hand in the Lock of the Door of Time. One more step is all that is needed for Him to stand before you!
Convert! Convert! Convert! Convert, dear children, and return to the Lord!
Do not offend Jesus anymore, who is already extremely offended!
With the Sword of your sins, do not pierce my Immaculate Heart anymore. No, dear children, open your hearts to me!
Believe! Blessed are those who have not seen and believed!
Blessed are the pure of Heart, because they will feel and see GOD in their lives, because HE is FATHER, and always, always. and always, give to HIS children HIS BENEFITS.
I AM the Ark of the Covenant! Just like in Noah's time, GOD sent Warnings for the world to be converted, but the world did not want to believe, and the flood came and devastated everyone. Today, children, Our FATHER has sent Me to speak to you, to warn you that HE is already, My children, at your doors! That HE comes to pour out Peace, that HE comes to save and renew all this humanity, lost and given into the hands of the enemy.
The Great Miracle of the Mercy of GOD, conversion, will happen! But, My children, convert! convert! convert without delay!
I never tire of pleading for you on the throne of my GOD.
I ask you, dear children, to pray the Holy Rosary every day with great humility. I tell you that all the souls who have entered Heaven have prayed the Rosary. And to you, dear children, if you too want me to come and take you to Heaven, let yourselves, dear children, let yourselves be taken by my Mother's Hands, let yourselves, dear children, be guided by my Heart. If you want to go to Heaven, let yourselves be guided by My Mother's Hands, let yourselves be led by My Colo, let yourselves, dear children, be led by Me. Let Me place in your hearts My Sweetness and My own Purity, so that with a pure heart you can worship and praise GOD.
Children, children, listen to the Voice of your Mother! It is I who call you! Give your hands to Me, and help Me save this sinful and perverted humanity!
I am the Ark of the Covenant, and now, in these times when GOD sends Me to you, you must all enter the Ark of my Immaculate Heart. By helping me, by praying, by spreading without fear and with courage all my Messages, and by working without ceasing for the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart.
My children, here in my Immaculate Heart, will be defended, protected and helped!
You, My children, if you were in a war, as I have contemplated the two World Wars, which have victimized and destroyed thousands of My poor children. if you were in the war! Since I saw so much horror there, My children would give anything to have a safe haven to save them. You would not enter this refuge, My children, if you could?
Therefore, children, here is the Refuge that the Mother of Heaven offers you in these Times of BATTLE against the enemy and his forces: - My Immaculate Heart!
Enter into My Immaculate Heart, and you will see that He is a Garden of Grace, of Beauty, and of Holiness! Enter My Immaculate Heart, children, and you will see that LOVE dwells in Him, Justice dwells, Peace dwells that everyone needs to live and save themselves! Enter into my Immaculate Heart, dear children, because I am your Mother and I want nothing else but your salvation.
Every day, kneeling before My Son, I ask Him to rain His Mercy on all of you. With my hands full of the white roses of prayer, the red roses of sacrifice, the yellow roses of penance and repentance, with the pink roses of his love, affection and adoration of Him in the Eucharist. I entrust all of this to my Son, so that He may make His Holy Spirit save the earth still.
Do not be discouraged! Nobody stop coming here! Let no one feel abandoned by Me, because I look at everyone!
Many want to see Me, but children. it is not necessary to see Me! It is necessary that I see everyone, and I am seeing everyone, with all their needs, with all their prayers, who have come to bring Me.
Here, in September 7th, Jesus and I will give a very Special Blessing to all My children who come. On this day, consecrate Me your homeland, which will commemorate your birthday*. Yes, my dear children, I ask you all to come to me every month because I desire, my beloved children, to give you more and more of my grace, to give you more and more of my LOVE.
*(Note - Marcos): (Our Lady must be referring to the Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic in Brazil, not to its discovery)
Jesus and I bless you.(pause)
I also want to tell you, children, to pray for the Pope, intercede for him, because he needs your prayers today more than ever.
Do you want to know how to conquer My LOVE, and leave Me in love (even more) with you? Pray the Rosary every day as a family! and I will live next to you, dear children of mine.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit. (pause) Jesus transmits the Message to you".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My Children! My Children! My Children! Listen to the Brado of my Sacred Heart!
My children, My children, look at Me, even if you do not see Me with your carnal senses, but. smile at Me! I smile at you, and I AM your GOD!(pause)
My children, when the chosen people were walking in the desert, without bread and without breath, without life, without destiny, My FATHER, through Moses guided them, gave them manna to eat; manna from Heaven! He gave him water that flows from the Fountain of Eternal Life. And I too, children, will not let you lack anything, dear children, I will forbid you to ask for My Graces. Ask for My Graces with confidence! Many do not have My Mercy's Graces, because they did not* ask with confidence. * (But they asked = ME asked for them)
My MOTHER, with a simple look at ME, asked Me to turn water into wine, in Cana. and I, although the time for the Miracle had not yet come, My MOTHER, YOUR FAITH was so great, YOUR CONFIDENCE that I would fulfill YOUR request was so great, that I could not resist to fulfill My MOTHER's intercession. and because I LOVE all my Heart and Honor, as Honor My FATHER.
I am in the Soiree of the Most Holy Trinity, I AM GOD, I came from GOD, and I speak of GOD, I glorify my FATHER, who is GOD, and I lead you to my FATHER, who is your START and your END. and I LOVE MOTHER, because she was chosen, because she was by ME, preserved from every stain of original sin. it is Mary Immaculate, Your Lady, Queen and Messenger of PEACE, whom I sent to you, My children, to give you My Messages! Call her that affectionately*. She is Mine and your MOTHER.
* (Marcos): (call her affectionately: Mary Immaculate, Our Lady, Queen and Messenger of Peace)
All that My MOTHER asks of Me, I give to Her, because before Her Tears of BLOOD, My Sacred Heart expands in Mercy. and for the pity that She has for sinners, I cast ME upon them to save them.
If My FATHER did not let the manna lack to YOUR children that walked in the desert, how, My children, will My FATHER in Heaven let you lack salvation, if you do everything that My MOTHER asks you?
How will My Heavenly FATHER stop giving you the Holy Spirit, if through My MOTHER and My Sacred Heart, you ask for it?
Oh, my children! There on the Cross, how much My wounds hurt! I could hardly lift up My Head, because I beat the Crown of Thorns on the tree of the Cross, and they buried themselves even more in My Head! All of this, because your mind only projects the madness and sin, of wanting to live without Me... all because your mind, beloved and little children, projects tricks to denigrate Me, offend Me, hide Me, and treat Me as a legend or as if I were nothing.
My sweet children, no longer mistreat My Heart, nor the Heart of My MOTHER, but. adore Me, adore Me because, for all those who adore Me, I will grant Mercy, to all the earth.
Know, My children, that My DAY is enough. and you who suffer innocents, for My LOVE, persecutions and slanders, fear nothing! I have come, I have come, sitting upon My Golden Throne, with the Scepter of POWER and Majesty, to bring down from the citadels and fortresses of sin, all those who have built for themselves a den of iniquity and sin.
My Children, I come with My Feet, bringing the Message of PEACE with My MOTHER. PEACE to you! PEACE to your hearts! PEACE to your families! May nothing disturb your PEACE! Not even this perverted world in which you live, delivered into the hands of the enemy, far from My Heart and far from My Grace!
May nothing disturb your PEACE, dear children! Nothing, let nothing separate you from Me, but. take the Hands of my MOTHER for the Holy Rosary, and through the Holy Rosary open your hearts to Me, even if it is (poor as) a little cave*, so that I may enter into the Eucharist, into communion.
* (Remark - Marcos): (as if to remember the poor cave of Bethlehem. to which Our Lord, through His unfathomable Mercy, did not oppose to enter, because there was His Most Holy Mother - cf. - During Communion - 22nd edition)
When I come to you in Communion, dear children, (pause) the Angels, the Seraphim and the Cherubim, the Thrones, the Powers, and all the Militias of My Angels who adore Me night and day in sighs, in songs, in hosannas of LOVE in Heaven, these Angels descend to earth, to the Tables of the Churches, of the Eucharist.
And when My Priests, who are My Ministers, who are My senders to all of you, who are My chosen ones to profess My Blessing, the Anointing, the Grace of My LOVE, the Hymn of Grace**. They, when they give you My Body, My BLOOD, My Flesh, My DIVINE, My Heart, so that you may receive Me in the Eucharist, these Angels go with you, they kneel (beside you) although you are not allowed to see them, but they adore Me. They adore Me (gift) in you, dear children! They worship Me, for I am in you!
They adore You, O FATHER, because I am You***, and I multiply ME in Bread and WINE, that all may be ONE, as I AM "ONE" CONTITUENT.
** (Note Marcos): (...the Hymn of Grace. - Words whose meaning today is not clear).
*** (Note Marcos): (Jesus refers here to GOD the FATHER, as He said in the Gospel: Believe me: I am in the FATHER, and the FATHER in ME - cf.
Dear children, I ask my MOTHER to sanctify your hearts! Ask My MOTHER to purify your hearts, already when you are in line for Communion to receive Me:
"Purify my heart, and take from Me some sin, (venial) if it remains, that I may receive your Son Jesus, purified, and with my heart open to HE, like Yourself! Amen".
Ask My MOTHER, and HE will pass on His Immaculate Hand in your hearts, to remove the stains that remain, so that you may receive Me (holy and worthy), and I. I will make an abode in your hearts. I will be in you, I will be, children, with you at all times!
My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother shine to you (as a beacon and) as a fortress that we give you, so that you may flee from temptation and really save yourselves.
Give yourselves in My Arms! My Arms are sweeter than the honeycomb, and My Look is more Sincere (pause) than all that you know in your lives. My Lips are prepared to pronounce Words of Blessings and Orders to My Angels, so that they may pour upon you LOVE, Grace, Kindness, and My Salvation.
At this moment, My Holy Angels, who today descended with My MOTHER and with Me from Heaven, at My command, draw on your foreheads a Little Sign of the Cross, My Sign, the Sign of all those whom I inscribe in the Book of Life, so that they may be saved.
There are many hearts open to Me here, and over all the hearts that love Me and that at this moment, with humility and affection, listen to My Call, lower My Blessing, lower My Sign, lower My Seal, lower My Predilection, My Complacency, upon all of you. You are the chosen people, in whom I have placed all my liking, all my commitment, all my LOVE, all my desire, my eagerness to save souls!
May all of you, children, pray for my Peter, Pope John Paul II, so that he may have the strength to reach the end of the Mission that I myself, the Lord, have entrusted to him and to my Holy Church.
I thank all those who have come to praise My MOTHER (pause) and to adore My Heart. I thank you very much! I thank you very much! I thank you very much! Stay in PEACE!
I blow my Spirit to you. That breeze that passes over you is the Sign that My Spirit is in your midst, anointing you, blessing you, cherishing you, and giving you My Gifts of LOVE, My Gifts of Grace. and Salvation.
Glorify the FATHER WITH ME! Glorify the FATHER WITH ME.
Each time you are in Communion, when you receive the Holy Eucharist, and after you receive it, let My Angels keep you company, in adoration, to glorify Me and exalt Me!
I also wish to finally give My Blessing to all My Religious, the pupils of My Eyes, who are here, My little sisters to whom I myself have made them a sign of My LOVE, I have made them my echo of LOVE for all men! Your voices, O Religious, O My daughters, O My doves, O My girls, My little ones, your voices are My Song that you must take everywhere, so that men fall in love with Me, and entrust themselves to My Heart.
I also thank My favorite children! I thank all of you, children, who have been here with my MOTHER, and with my Sacred Heart.
I love you! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!
I bless you in the Name of My Father. in the Name of My Heart. and in the Name of the Holy Spirit of LOVE. that I pour on you.
May PEACE be with you!"