Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 14, 1995
Good Friday

Dear children, today you contemplate Me as the Mother of Sorrows and Co-redeemer of humanity. I desire to give you my urgent request for conversion.
Jesus carried the Cross for LOVE to you, to save you, to redeem you!
As the Mother of Sorrows, today I come to say that there is no greater pain than the Pain of my Heart.
Behold, dear children, how great was my anguish when I saw my Son condemned to death, with rivers of BLOOD that flowed through his entire Body.
Oh, how painful it was for Me to see all that delusional crowd, asking for the death of My Son.
Oh, how painful it was for Me to see the Cross placed on His Shoulders so that He would carry it. To see Him fall three times, with His Holy Face on the ground, crushed and without strength.
The Sword of Pain pierced My Heart, when OUR Looks Crossed. in that street of bitterness. I only had three little drops of consolation in the middle of the road: - Simon of Cyrene, Veronica, and the women who were crying for Him.
What was not My Mother's Sorrow, when I saw the tunic I wove for HIM myself, with My Hands, being torn, divided, drawn at random.
The carnations that ripped His flesh, divided the Nerves, pierced the Muscles. they also pierced my Immaculate Heart.
Every shiver of My Son's pain, were also so many shivers of My Immaculate Heart. The Heart of Jesus agonized; my Mother's Heart agonized at the foot of the Cross.
I hear Him asking forgiveness: FATHER, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
Like you, My children, are different! He, who was the Master and Lord, washed everyone's feet, forgave everyone, consoled everyone, loved everyone. Only you do not want to forgive your enemies and persecutors!
It is to Me that He says: MOTHER, here is your son.
To the disciple: Here is Your Mother.
From this moment on, my dear children, I received the Mission of Co-Redemptor, and I became the Mother of all people, the Mother of the Church!
I want to tell you that sin is like mud, stinking mud, deep mud. Many souls, many of you, through sin become disgusting before Me and Jesus.
Sin, My children, makes you resemble the enemy, while prayer and fasting, sacrifices, purify your souls and make them identical to My Jesus. But even though you are very sinful, I love you and I want to help you.
Carry your crosses with LOVE! Carry them with courage, with obedience, with submission to GOD.
I LOVE you very much, dear children, and with my Immaculate Heart, I want to fill you more and more with my Grace.
Contemplate my Heart with your repentance, with your change of life, and with your return to GOD. I am the Lady of Sorrows, who loves you so much!
The Holy Catholic Church is, My children, the way of Truth!
No one. No, it has never been heard that anyone has climbed a cross to die in their place (in your place.) Therefore, only ONE must LOVE: - Jesus Christ, Son of GOD, Son of my Heart, Our Lord!
The Sword of Sorrow that now wounds my Heart is for every child of mine who lives in hatred, sin and violence without seeking conversion.
I cry because I speak and am not heard.
I weep because I and my Son Jesus give them Signs, and we are not believed. We give thanks, and you throw thorns of offense at us.
My Children, the Sword of Pain that is in My Heart will only be taken away, just as it was placed: - by you!
My Tears, including those of BLOOD, roll from My Eyes and from the Eyes of Jesus before you, but... you remain indifferent.
I love you!
. and I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".