Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 7, 1995
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

My beloved children, today I want to keep each one of you with my LOVE, with my Grace, and with my Protection.
I LOVE you, dear children! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I rejoice for each one of you who came to meet Me today, to praise the Lord together. It is beautiful to be here! It is beautiful, dear children, to be together, to praise my Lord.
Dear children, I want to thank you for all the sacrifices you have made in coming here to meet me. GOD desires your sacrifices, so He invites you, through Me, to abandon Himself totally.
Pray, have Faith! I will pray for the FATHER to increase your Faith!
Dear children, may Holy Mass be life for you! Come to Holy Mass, dear children! The Mass is as if Jesus put a big MESSA, where your places are reserved, and when you don't go to Holy Mass, Jesus will see your empty places, because nobody will replace your places. So, my children, do not give the Etristezaf to Jesus of not going to Mass, but. go, dear children, with LOVE, with affection, with humility, with a true desire to repent, and to unite with Him.
My dear children, today I come with my Starry Blue Cloak, and my Crown of Stars on my Head. The Head Crown of Stars are all My Favorite Sons, Priests, Religious, Bishops and My First Favorite Son, John Paul II, My Pope, Peter of Jesus.
The Stars of My Cloak, so numerous, are you, the faithful, the Christians, of whom I am Mother and Queen. Mother and Queen of the whole Church, Mother and Queen of all Christians, Mother and Reconciler of sinners.
My dear children, I invite you all to be humble, to be simple! Dear children, live in humility, live in LOVE, live, dear children, in the sacrifice of yourself to GOD. Never want to take the first places by stepping on others, but. be simple, be small, dear children, be docile to My Mother LOVE.
My dear children, continue praying the Holy Rosary every day! The Rosary is the prayer that I myself came from Heaven to teach! To all those who pray the Holy Rosary, I promise to deliver them not only from the fire of hell, but also from the fire of purgatory.
I love you, my little ones! I see their difficulties, I see their sufferings, I see the cross that each of my children carries. My dear children, do not be discouraged in the face of the difficulties that the enemy puts in your path.
The time will come when they will force them to deny My Son, but. be firm, My children, and bear witness to the faith to the end!
I am the Star of the New Evangelization! I Am the Queen of Prophets! I am the Mother and Queen of all those who proclaim the Gospel of my Son! And that is why, my dear children, I want to LOVE you more and more, with my Mother's Heart.
Call the marginalized, call the drug addicts, call the alcoholics, call the abandoned minors, my anjinhos, of whom I am Mother Companion, call the sick, call everyone to my Heart; don't forget anyone! For everyone, in my Immaculate Heart, there is medicine, there is shelter, there is LOVE.
Remember what my Son Jesus said: Behold, I give you my New COMMAND: LOVE one another, as I LOVE you!
Love with True LOVE, love sincerely!
Today, Friday, is a day of fasting for bread and water, this day of sacrifices they make to convert, to change their lives sincerely. I ask everyone to continue fasting for bread and water! My dear children, this fast will unify you and bring you closer to GOD, our Savior!
OUR United Hearts WILL COME! The kingdom of the enemy will fall, my Immaculate Heart will TRIUMPHARY, and Peace will come.
Pray, dear children, pray a lot for the Peace of the world! Pray the Holy Rosary every day! Convert and return to the Lord for the frequent confession of your sins to priests. Convert and return to the Lord!
Do not make me the Mother of Sorrows anymore, who every day, dear children, suffers more and more for My children who are condemning themselves, who are leaving for condemnation. I weep for those who condemn themselves. I rejoice for each of My children who return to Me.
Pray for My children who are prostitutes and drug addicts, because they make their bodies objects of sin, pleasure and temptation. Pray for them!
I am your Mother and I give you, dear children, my Blessing with LOVE, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit. My Son Jesus will transmit the Message to you".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My Children! My Children! Listen to My Wails and Shouts (pause) in this desert, without anyone listening to Me, and answer My Calls!
My Children, Tears of BLOOD ravage My Eyes, and the Eyes of My Holy Mother every day when we contemplate your sins!
What bitterness I feel for the abandonment that you give to Me in the Eucharist, in the tabernacles, where I am alone, without there being anyone who will make REPAIR of Me.
My children, the Cup of DIVINE Justice is full and overflowing. Repent! and repent quickly of the evil you do.
Come cry to My feet in confession, as the Magdalene did. and wash My feet with your prayers, and dry them with your perfect adoration of Me.
I AM YOUR GOD! I AM the Lamb of GOD, THE ONE who took away the sin of the world on the Cross!
Yes, I, Jesus Christ, want to tell you that you must meditate on My Sorrowful Passion! With how much LOVE I carried the Cross for you! I endured being crowned with thorns, which tore My Head in furrows of BLOOD! I, who supported My Body to be whipped, to save you! and today. My Sacred Heart feels set aside for you.
My Children! My children, many have already made an alliance with the old serpent, Satan, My enemy! but I ask you: - Flee! flee from temptation! With prayer you can repel the disgusting enemy away from you.
I promise you, My children, that just as by My Cross I will defeat him once and for all! Finally, I will TRIUMPH MY Sacred Heart!
Come to ME, all you who are weary and fatigued in your life, for My Colour is Mild, and My Arms, Sweet, to sustain you!
Come to ME, and I will give you that WATER that I promised the Samaritan woman, that whoever drank from her would never thirst again. This WATER is my Spirit, the FIRE of LOVE, the DIVINE Mercy. which is poured out by ME, by Intercession and by the Pure Hands, by the Mother Hands of my and your MOTHER.
My children, if you knew how much I feel like smiling in every confession I see you, all of you, My children, would never sin again. Therefore, My children, confess yourselves! confess yourselves to Me through the Priest, because the Priest is the Seraphim that I have placed in the Church, so that My forgiveness may rain abundantly upon you. because I have given the Chair to Peter and the Priests!
So what is forgiven on earth will be forgiven in Heaven! What is unplugged on earth, will be unplugged in Heaven! Therefore, whoever does not seek forgiveness through My Priests does not have it on earth, and does not have it in Heaven.
That is why, My children, My Sacred Heart burns with LOVE in this instant for you! and I give you My urgent call: - Live My LOVE! Live My LOVE! Live My LOVE!
I and My MOTHER have come here, because here, My children, I want to dispel your darkness with My LIGHT, with the LIGHT of the Immaculate Heart of My MOTHER!
My children, continue coming here every month! My Sacred Heart will not tire of granting you special Blessings and Graces.
I am burning with LOVE for you! I AM speaks to you! (pause)
My children, My children, to all of you I extend My Arms, these same Arms that carried for you the Cross, which wounded My Shoulder so much! this Cross on which you will adore Me next Friday!(Holy Week)
I extend to you My Father's and Good Shepherd's Arms, and I give you My Blessing, I leave you, and I desire you My FATHER's Blessing. I give My Blessing. and the Blessing of My Holy Spirit. abundantly to you all.
May Peace be with you!"
Our Lady
"- Dear children, you have heard the Message of Our GOD, Jesus. I, the Queen and Messenger of Peace, give you, my children, at last my farewell, my Blessing. Jesus and I have returned to Heaven, but... we stand by your side, and we accompany you today and always!
Stay in Peace. Next month I am waiting for you here! Remember, My children, that you are the stars of My Cloak! Enlighten, shine, give all your light to the world, because you are the Messengers of Jesus!
I bless you, my stars that you are. I bless you with my Heart. I am the Blessed Virgin Mary! I return to Heaven, for I am the Slave of the Lord!(pause)
The Lord calls me".