Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, February 22, 1995
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, I bless you all today. I am the Most Wise Virgin! Dear children, prudence is a gift of the Holy Spirit, which I want to give you always more.
Dear children, by the action of the Holy Spirit, prudence can be increasingly granted as a gift.
Prudence is the Gift that allows you more and more to know what is right and what is wrong, that is, it is a virtue infused by GOD into understanding, so that the right mastery of actions may be achieved.
That is why, dear children, prudence is the virtue that makes you avoid sin. With prudence, you will always find more light to walk in the LIGHT of GOD.
Prudence is the gift that allows them to know the snares of the devil and to repel him with continuous prayer. Prudence will make them understand the whole Will of GOD, and will give them Peace.
That is why, dear children, it is my mission to train you in Peace. Continue praying the Holy Rosary every day.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".